The Dragon Wars


The smell of intoxicating wildflowers and fresh grass filled the air around the green fields that went on as far as the eye could see.

CRACK! A loud pop rang out across the blue horizon, breaking the silence.

CRACK! Another loud pop rang out while Shards of a broken bottle went flying across the box it was sitting on.

“Hah! That’s four in a row, now pay up!” I remarked while rolling up my whip.

The whip was a beautifully crafted, ten foot black and red plaited bullwhip, which my father made from the hide of the first dragon he killed during his service in the war between the humans and the dragons.

“You cheated! I won’t pay a single coin!” said mikey, looking at me with a very confusing look on his face.

“Awww, what’s wrong Michael? Mad? That I beat you at your own game?!”
I said while picking up the shards of broken glass from the last strike of my whip.

Mikey gave me a very odd look, as if I grew a second head. Then mike picked up another one of the bottles that was on the ground and tossed it as hard as he could toward me.

“Ashy, think fast!”

Without any hesitation, I flung out my whip out of my hand and broke the bottle while in mid-air. As the shards of glass were so shiny as if diamonds flying through the air a shard flew and hit me across my left cheek leaving a horizontal cut across my face.
The painful sting hit me after a few seconds causing me to touch the cut, making it hurt worse.

“Oww! Damn it mike! I’m gonna kick your ass!”

Suddenly mikey tackles me to the ground with the look on his face as if he’s seen a ghost.

“Get down!!” As soon as we hit the ground a giant green dragon flew right above us. The dragon was flying so low that if we didn’t hit the floor it probably could have hit us if we were standing up.

“Thanks mike.” I Said standing up and dusting himself off. “Don’t mention is Ashy-boy,” said Mike with a smile on his face.

As soon as we stood up we could hear the trotting of horses. It sounded like an earthquake from where we were standing. Then suddenly over the horizon we saw them. Fifteen soldiers in full suits of armor, riding over the meadow.

“FOLLOW THAT DRAGON MEN!” exclaimed one of the soldiers. One of the soldiers, on a beautiful white horse stopped in front of us. The solider took off her helmet off and began to scold us.

“Ash? Michael?! What the hell are you doing out here?!! This is dragon territory!” screamed the soldier.

“Save your breath, Miranda. I don’t want to hear it…” I quickly remarked.

Miranda is one of the military’s most prized soldiers, she served with my father when he was killed by the dragons but she refused to help him because it would endanger the squad and herself. So she and I were never on good terms to begin with.

“Hold your tongue boy, and let me finish,” snapped Miranda. “I was going to say . . . that I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

“Why’s that? So That I can watch you do a terrible job leading our troops to suicide missions?” I asked while mikey laughed under his breath.

“Just shut up, and take the damn scroll, The Council of Nine wishes audience with you,”
Miranda snapped back with a disgusted look on her face.

“Why would the Council want my audience?” I asked

“Well maybe because your father was one of the best troops we had?”

“Not to you, evidently.”

“Just get moving, the council doesn’t like to wait,” after saying that Miranda rejoined her squad and continued after the dragon they were chasing just a few moments ago.

With a heavy sigh I picked my whip off the ground and me and mike started walking to town.
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This is a story a wrote WAY back in July, that was so horribly comtaminated with errors, I never posted it.

I hope you like it :)