Status: CurrentlyOnHold

Causing Havoc and Taking Names

Broken And Defeated

I’d set Guardian down on his bed, after he and I talked his plan out i left him to freshen up while I went downstairs to sort Daikon and Raven out. As I climbed down the stairs slowly, thinking through the last hour and a half, so much had happened. Id left Despair to fight some unknown guy and i began to feel the deep regret that I left him, I should have stayed and helped him. I reached the bottom of the stairs only to see Daikon and Raven not there, I could hear them but couldn’t see them, it wasn’t right. I walked into the middle of the room and sat down cross-legged. I pulled my mp3 played out of my back pocket of my tight black jeans and put one headphone in and went to artists. I scrolled down to the letter E and found one of my favourite bands, Evanescence; I played Forever Gone, Forever You. It blared out my headphones so loud I could hear it in my ear that didn’t have a headphone in.

‘Daikon, Lunch!’ I heard Raven call from the kitchen and saw the handle on the bathroom door move. While the chain flushed I had enough sound cover to run to the shadowed side of the room. I quickly flicked the lock button up and pressed the pause button down as Daikon walked to the kitchen door which opened as he got to the place I was sat just two moments ago. I saw Raven’s eyes flick to the light that my MP3 emitted, and I pulled it up my jumper sleeve within seconds Raven’s eyes met mine and he pulled Daikon into the kitchen. I pressed play and locked it again as I slid it back into my back pocket.

‘Shit!’ I muttered to myself as I walked across the wooden floor. I began to sing the lyrics that would hit the boys and would hit them hard.
There's something very wrong about this
I think you knew all along somehow
You'll only take me to change my mind
And leave me broken and defeated

I kicked the door down and smoke, dust and rubble fell around me as I stormed through to the kitchen, only to find Daikon and Raven trying to escape me by running for the backdoor. My eyes turned black as I flicked my hands out and screamed at them both.

‘STOP! Daikon please! Raven! STOP!’ and evil devilish demonic growl left my lungs as they kept running, Daikon looked back to see the hurt in my eyes. I took a deep breath in and swung my MP3 out of my back pocket and into my hands, I quickly scrolled up to Avenged Sevenfold and found Scream! I ran after the boys and choked them back as I grabbed their collars once id caught up with them. My eyes were black and I was mad, something other then my usual darkness had taken me over, Guardians plan hung lightly in the back of my mind. A satanic snarl filled the air and my eyes cleared and returned to their usual colour only then did I realize that the snarl was my own. I looked at the two scared faces that stood in front of me. I spoke sternly but still soft, my MP3 was on shuffle and You by Evanescence played gently into my mind. ‘Get in the car!’ The scrambled away from me and both got in the back of the car silently. I pulled the keys from my hoodie pocket and got into the drivers seat. I settled into the seat and pulled my MP3 from my pocket. I switched it off and threw it onto the empty passenger seat. I switched the stereo on and straight away played the CD that I had left in, Skillet, Compilations. I searched through the tracks untill I came across Angels Fall Down. It slowly filled the car and over took the sound of the engine. It was the song that Daikon and I listened to when he took me out to dinner. I didn’t know where I was driving to I just knew what I was going to do when I got there. I pulled up outside starbucks and killed the engine yet I let the music play. Not a word had been spoken since I left the house and my mouth was getting dry. I walked in a bought a caramel latte; to go and then went and got back in the car, which still sat in silence. This time when I started the car up I knew where I was going. I drove out on a country lane and pulled up in a car park near where I was taking Raven and Daikon.

‘Get out and stay close to me!’ I wasn’t suggesting what they should do, I was commanding them, and they knew what would happen if they didn’t follow. I waited for them to click on why we were here before I walked on. I sat down in front of the lone tree and the boys sat beside me both looking at me expecting me to talk to them, tell them why we were here. But I said nothing. I just looked out across the open field. A single tear fell down across my face as I remembered the first time I was here. The first time I met Raven. I turned to him as I wiped it away. ‘You two must leave, me and Guardian want nothing to do with either of you anymore. Daikon,’ My voice broke as I spoke his name, ‘D..Daikon, I never want to hear your name, never want to see your face, you’ve hurt me more then can be explained. Raven, my long time friend. You have betrayed me, taken advantage of my trust. I cannot believe either of you would do such a thing. Im going back to the car now, your stuff will be sitting under this tree tomorrow morning at 7. You are to be here at 7.15 so as to give me enough time to get away, I don’t want to hear your pathetic sorry’s or plea’s not for me to leave you, I don’t want to hear how shit your life will become with out us, for I don’t care. My life has been torn apart because of you two. Goodbye!’ I spoke my final word as I stood up and turned my back on them. Without once looking back I got back into my car, took the sip of my latte and threw it out of the window. I played Skillet- Whispers in the Dark at full volume as I twisted down and through the highways. No guys were going to ruin my life, especially gay ones. I skidded to a stop, in my Maserati GranCabrio, outside the small supermarket. I stepped out and walked inside. I knew that Guardian and Despair would be hungry by the time I got home. I bought both their favorites and drove home.
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dedicated to Despair. :)
Chapter title = lyrics from Forever Gone, Forever You. :)