Status: CurrentlyOnHold

Causing Havoc and Taking Names

Most would claim I live a lie

I sat up slowly listening to Plague shouting downstairs. I hate the feeling of despair… unable to do anything, in fact I hate despair, without him this wouldn’t have happened. I sighed as I heard the door slam, bits of dust fell from the ceiling beams. I didn’t like being alone one bit, it meant I had time to think, time to make logical decisions. I slowly stood from my bed; a sharp stabbing pain ran down the length of my spine, I smiled as I felt it re-break, I loved the feeling, as it washed away the emotional pain that was slowly creeping up.

Lifting my head I noticed the small rectangle mirror hanging crookedly from the wall, I gasped as I noticed my face, the pale purple rings beneath my eyes were deep red and purple, my hair and skin was covered with dust I sighed. The door slammed against the brickwork, a dark silhouette stood there. Just by the way his emotions were portrayed I knew at once that this was Despair.

“Guardian” his voice low careful, a low rumble came from me as I stared at him, nothing but venom and hatred.
“She didn’t have to die,” I snarled, my eyes glowing purple. He stepped into the room, the old wooden floorboards squeaking, “don’t come closer” he ignored me and stopped about a meter away.
“Your too weak to fight me” he stated, his eyes bearing into mine “your to injured to fight me, you know no matter how hard you try to fight me, you would lose.” He sighed, “It isn’t my fault she died”
“Lies! I trust you and you lie to me. Violet saw where you went, and I can read you like a book” I tilted my head to the side and laughed dryly “looks like you are compassionate after all, you actually feel guilty, maybe there’s hope yet” My back slammed into the wall, bringing up fresh pain, despairs arm was across my chest pinning me there,
“Don’t you even dare! You have no idea what I’ve been through” he snarled trough gritted teeth, his eyes seemed to go slightly cloudy as if remembering something,
“No one else seems to know either” the sound of tyres ripping up gravel came from the front of the house. “All you do is lie to us all! Its just like when we met” without warning his fist collided with the side of my face, he stepped back staring at me with hate. Pain. Pain was good it meant that this life was real and I wasn’t dreaming it all up. I took a deep breath, and it happened.

Thousands of feelings rushed through me, my own, despairs and plagues outside. Anger, hurt, despair, love, and vengeance, rushed around me. Pictures of violet flashed before me, anger and sadness dropped on me like a heavy weight pushing me to the ground, I feel to my knees. Despair seemed to take a deep breath in, as if tasting the air, enjoying the dark atmosphere. I stared at my hands, thinking over my options, I was falling apart before a man I wanted to kill not moments ago. I reached into my mind and pulled out the first emotion that came up… Vengeance.
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Bet you was not expecting that! or maybe you were.... meh
Right i think thats what i wanted... its short sorry =[, i've probably made many mistakes, just tell me and i will correct them. I'm kinda just getting back into writting so i hope its good =P and hopefully you got a look into Guardians mind.. kinda =P