Status: CurrentlyOnHold

Causing Havoc and Taking Names

Just like old times

Despair's P.O.V

After Guardian finished his spat about not going in the cupboard, Plague gave him a bold, defiant look before admitting defeat and giving her word not to open it. We continued to search for Violet. We had sensed her. Felt her presence, and yet no evidence could be seen.
I gripped the rotted wood of the door frame and pulled myself through. The next thing I saw was a pale fist coming towards my face, I moved my head out the way, grinned and gripped the forearm, pulling it through the house. The body got up immediately. His hair was an unusual shade of black, that shimmered green in the right light, and his eyes were a shocking emerald colour.
Plague rushed in carrying Guardian, who’s eyes lit up in recognition.
“It’s him!” He proclaimed. “He was the one that launched my arse through the house!” and angry look of vengence, fell upon Plague and her eyes turned their signature black, with black tears leaking out the corner. Her body tensed, and I quickly pulled her out of the way as an unseen force collided and exploded on the wall behind her.
“What the fuck was that? Why didn’t he fall apart?” she proclaimed.
“No idea, but lets refrain from trying to tear him to pieces with our mind shall we?” I replied, keeping my eyes on him as he ready himself to attack. “Plague, get Guardian out of here.”
“What? Why do you get to stay? That’s not cool! I’m always stuck babysitting.”
“Plague! Just go will you?”
“Fine! But I’m coming back for you.”
“I’ll hold him off until then.” and with that, she carried Guardian out as quickly as possible. A blink later and the green haired man was in front of me. Even I was shocked at his speed. I threw a punch, which he dodged with ease and slammed a knee into my stomach. I recovered, ignoring the pain, and booted him in the face.
Another assault came where his hands were moving at an incredible speed. I blocked them but he flicked round and slammed a powerful elbow into my chest. I flew backwards through the many walls.
“Despair!?” Plague’s voice shouted. I got up coughing.
“On second thoughts. Lets run.” I said picking Guardian up bridal style, which he scowled at. “Complain later” I said before me and Plague broke off into a sprint.

The enemy appeared in front of us, and before I could say a thing Plague charged straight for him. She threw a punch and missed, I rolled over her back and slammed my foot into his chest which sent him backwards, and with a free hand I gripped Plague’s and threw her in his direction. She came down and a cloud of dust and dirt flew out where she landed. Unfortunately she missed, or rather he got up and moved. Plague lunged forward to go again but I gripped her arm and pulled her back.
“Part of being a fighter is knowing when to fight, and knowing when to run.” I proclaimed in all my wisdom. “and now would be the time to run.” I pulled her in a direction and we ran, Guardian’s weight was getting heavier, we would need somewhere to rest for a while soon.

The man gripped Plague by the hair, pulling her to a sudden stop and slammed to the ground. I skidded.
“Guardian. Daggers” I asked and Guardian held out his hand, and in a materialization of black smoke appeared a dagger. I picked it up, my eyes turning black and the grey haze falling over my sight, and launched it as hard as possible. It burst into blindingly blue flames as I embued it with energy, and it collided with the mans left shoulder. Exploding a little. I ran over and pulled Plague up.
“Come on Plague” I called
“Oh what you’re not gonna let me get revenge? The arse-hole pulled my hair!” she snapped
“Not. Now.” I replied and we continued to run. Hopefully that would slow him down. If it doesn’t, then we’re in trouble. Once again we were on the run from Tavion and his legions of immortals. Just like old times.
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Sorry its so late, and sorry its so short. i was kind of empty of ideas , i had absolutely nothing. i haven't written this in a while ^_^
Hope ya like it