Status: CurrentlyOnHold

Causing Havoc and Taking Names

4am Forever

Ever know what it feels like to wake up and find someone you love missing. No? Then all I can say is it’s the worst pain I have ever felt, it eats at you slowly, to know that that person is alive and possibly injured, but missing, lost in the world.

I opened my eyes slowly, clenching and unclenching my fists testing them, I was healed. As my head lay on my shirt I looked up to see dark shadows of tree’s looming over me, the night sky alight with tiny twinkling lights, the moon a bright beacon lighting up the path of lost souls. The grass felt soft and velvety beneath my skin, I turned my head to the side to see a small crackling-burning campfire. I sat up slowly to make sure I was actually healed before turning to look at the sleeping form of Despair. The campfire cast a strange shadow upon his face, almost making him seem innocent… almost. “Look at him any longer and I might start thinking you were gay” I smirked and looked up to see Plague sitting on the branch of an oak tree, swinging her legs chuckling softly.
I kneeled on the floor then stood up, “I can’t remember much from yesterday… where are we?” I looked around me taking in my surroundings, which wasn’t much but trees…great.
“Honestly, I don’t know we just ran lots then Despair decided to just stop… so we did” she smiled and then her expression turned slightly annoyed but sad, “I guess, this means back to where we started then?”
“Guess it does, though I thought you liked the whole lets go on a killing spree thing…” I smiled trying to lighten the mood a little.
“Yeah I liked it when we could actually beat up the bad guys. Why did they have to go and get all… get all… nun chuck ninja on us?” I laughed and shook my head
“Nun chuck ninja?” I bent down and picked up my black shirt.
“Wow that’s the first time I’ve seen you without a purple shirt!” she laughed jokingly; I pulled it on and stuck my tongue out. “Oh yeah, real mature”
“Shush you.” I glanced at Despair, “you should really get some sleep too”
“I should but if I do, your more likely to run off” damn... she really knew me to well.
“I wont run off, I just want to go for a walk” I smiled then noticed I didn’t have my sword.
“Looking for this?” she asked all innocent holding up the black scabbard, the moon glinted off of it making the purple tint stand out much more, I sighed
“You might want to give that back…” I said slowly, crouching down, glaring into her eyes, she recognized this immediately; her eyes got that mischievous glint in them.
“Or what” she smirked still swinging her legs. I just smiled and then did what I do best.
My gaze went to my sword and I stared intently at it, imagining the air around it moving and covering it, imaging feeling it in my hand, feeling its lightness, the texture, the way I always felt so sure with it in my hand. I winked at her, black mist gathered in my hand and the sword materialized, as quickly as the mist came it went. “No fair!” she shouted, I laughed and lunged for her feet, I grabbed hold of her shoe and pulled her to the ground. “Noo!” we fell to the floor laughing… well I’m sure she was laughing on the inside.

We looked up to see a figure towering over us. “You woke me” Despair said his voice screaming that he wanted to kill me.
“Sorry, we we’re just playing” I half smiled; I got to my feet and dusted my self off.
“You woke me,” he repeated his eyes growing more and more dark. Looking him up and down I raised an eyebrow stepped closer to him my arms crossed.
“Guys no need to fight!” Plague desperately tried to clam the situation down.
“Stay out of this Plague” He sneered, his eyes wild and crazed.
“Go! And don’t come back until your under control” no time for reasoning, anyway… why bargain with the devil? He threw he hands out, slamming me into the tree; he stepped closer till he was mere centimeters away,
“Is that an order” he sneered, he started laughing manically. I took the chance and jammed my elbow into his chin, jumping, I grabbed hold of a branch and slammed my foot to his chest sending him to the floor. Plagues held her hand out and then balled it into a fist twisting it slightly. He stayed on the floor, paralyzed with pain. I walked up to him and knelt down looking into his eyes,
“Yes… it is” I stood up and turned my back on the makeshift camp, letting Plague deal with her brother.

I sat down, the grass moist with rain droplets. After walking for a few minutes I had found a clearing in the forest, we were on the top of a large hill; it looked out over a large town. The lights shining and glinting like small fairy lights, it was truly beautiful. My thoughts wandered to Violet. I hoped she was all right.
I am not a religious person, never have been, but its times like these that you need something to believe in.
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wow took me long, but thats GCSE's for ya' =] enjoy! i hope it was somehting unexpected and a little different.