‹ Prequel: I'm Sorry

I Miss You


Frankie’s POV
Perhaps the hardest thing to deal with is when someone you love commits suicide. It's not just the fact that they are dead, no, that I could probably deal with. He killed himself. It was no one's fault but his own. And I wanted so badly to hate him, god I wished I could hate him.
I tried to hate him. I made lists of all the bad things he'd ever done to me. The list wasn't very big. So I made a list of all the bad things he's ever done to anyone. And for every bad thing, there were 5 good things that he had done. Gerard was truly amazing, and I couldn't hate him, it was physically impossible.
Another thing that makes it hard when someone you love commits suicide is when people start watching you. Like they're scared you're going to follow in their footsteps, which is absolutely ridiculous. After seeing how badly it hurts, and witnessing it first hand, why would anyone want to do that? But no matter how many time I told everyone I was ok, and I was not suicidal, they didn't listen
If anything the "Are you ok Frankie?" questions I got made me want to commit suicide more than the fact that Gerard had died.
God, Gerard was dead. It was kind of a surreal thing. Like the first time I went to Disney World. It felt like it was all a dream, and when I woke up, everything would be gone. But this time I knew it was real. I just knew.
Reality had given me a bitch slap in my face, telling me it was time to wake the fuck up and live life. And god dammit, I was gonna live if it killed me.
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Extremely short, it gets longer, this is mainly just an intro.