A Perfect Love Story Until He Met Bert

He begs

Frank's POV
I stand heart broken in a restroom staring at Bert McCracken the asshole giving my boyfriend a blow.
I'm absolutely dumbfounded, I can feel my heart slowly being wrenched apart as my eyes fill with tears.
I had been watching them for quite a while now eversince Bert had taken him in. Now I stand here speechless and rejected.
“What the fuck are you doing” I shout.
Gerard turns and looks at me as Bert slowly releases Gerard's length from his mouth.
“Frankie, baby please, it's not what it looks like” Gerard begs pushing Bert t the ground as he pulls his jeans up.
“I know exactly what this looks like” I cry as tears roll slowly down my face.
“Please baby don’t cry let me explain this to you” Gerard begs slowly walking towards me.
“No, don’t call me fucking baby, and you don’t need to explain I already know what's happening” I cry.
“Please, Frankie it's nothing, you mean the most to me, please I love you” he replies.
“You don’t love me, if you did you wouldn’t have done this Gerard” I beckon now with tears streaming quickly down my cheeks.
“Please, I love you, I'm drunk, I didn’t know” he says trying to grab my arm.
“No fuck off don’t touch me” I reply snatching my arm way from him in despair.
What a fucking lame excuse I think.
“How could you do this to me Gerard, how could you cheat on me, how could you cheat on me with HIM” I cry pointing enviously at Bert.
“Please, he means nothing to me” Gerard pleads.
“If he meant nothing to you, you wouldn’t let him fucking suck your cock!” I beckon, my heart racing.
I pause for a while sobbing my eyes out trying to avoid contact with Gerard's eyes.
I then march fists clenched over to Bert.
“And as for you this is what you deserve” I say throwing my left fist straight into his eye with force. He drops to the ground in agony.
“Fuck you” I say before walking over to Gerard who now has tears streaming down his cheeks too.
“I cant believe you would do this to me, with him, of all people, you despise me, don’t think about trying to explain, it doesn’t matter anymore, you are an ignorant lying prick, I hate you” I cry before storming out of the toilets crying heavily.