12 Days of Christmas Kisses.

Pete Wentz.

“So, I’ve got this list.”

“A list for what?”

“Well, it’s 12 days until Christmas… and there’s a sort of hidden meaning to it.”

Pete raised an eyebrow. “Meaning?”

Gabe sighed. “You really want to know?”

“Yeah dude.”

“Fine.” Gabe said. “I got the idea to do this list of 10 people to kiss, but it‘s for confidence more than anything. But, I figured, why not do it coming up to Christmas?”

“Right, ok, so what’s the hidden meaning?”

Gabe closed his eyes. “It’s about the last person on the list.”

“Show me the list?” Pete asked. “Please?”

“Only if you promise to keep your mouth shut to anyone on the list, or anyone who would tell them?”

“For once, I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

“Fine.” Gabe got the list out of his hoody pocket and passed it over to Pete.

Gabe had no idea how he had chosen the names, except the last on the list. He knew who was going to be at the Decaydance party at Angels And Kings, so he had just chosen random people from the bands he knew really well. He wasn’t going to kiss anyone who he didn’t know. He had to at least be friends with them.

He didn’t want to get a punch in the face from anyone.

Although, he might do from a couple of people on the list, but he was going to take his chances.

He looked amused as he read down the list then his eyes widened at the last name.


Gabe nodded. “Yeah, really.”

“Well I’m just gonna say go for it.” Pete grinned, passing the list back. “So, I take it you chose everyone cos they’re all in town for the party?”


“Well, let’s get number one out of the way then.”

Gabe leant forward and kissed Pete gently. As they worked each other’s lips against the others, Pete’s hand came up to the back of Gabe’s head, pulling the hood down from his head and putting his hand into his hair.

Pete’s tongue ran across Gabe’s lips and Gabe granted him entry into his mouth.

The kiss was over a few moments after.

“Dude, if it doesn’t work out with you two, I’m always available.” Pete grinned.

Gabe pulled the hood of his purple hoody back onto his head. “I don’t even have an ‘us’ with him yet.”

“Believe me, there is going to be a ‘you’ soon.”

Gabe shook his head slightly and smiled, getting the list out and crossing out the first name.Pete Wentz
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I thought that I would give you a Christmas treat. I mean, who can resist Gabe Saporta, kissing 12 different people? Scratch that, who can resist Gabe Saporta at all?

Please comment, I'd like to really know what you think of this.

Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo