12 Days of Christmas Kisses.

William Beckett. DOI!

It was Christmas Eve and Pete’s house seemed empty. And that’s because it practically was. Panic were all heading to Vegas to spend Christmas with their families (or in Jon’s case, with Spencer’s family), Vicky and Alex had gone back to New York but Ryland, Nate and Gabe all stayed. Their families were all away for the holidays, so why not spend it in Chicago with their friends? And Vicky and Alex would be back Boxing Day morning anyway.

Nate and Ryland had talked the day before about their true feelings and had got together within 15 minutes of the conversation ending. The 15 minute delay was of course due to the fact that they were kissing each other as if their life depended on it.

Gabe was worried about the last name on his list. Worried that he wouldn’t want him. Worried that this whole plan would go to shit.

Before they left, Ryan and Brendon had wished him good luck and both kissed him on the cheek. Michael was sure that the plan was going to work, and Nate and Ryland (Gabe had told Ryland after he and Nate got together) were convinced that it would work.

“He’s coming round soon, Gabe.” Pete said, late afternoon. “Nate, Ry and I are gonna head over to Patrick’s for a few hours, so make sure you keep the sex under 2 hours.”

“How do you know there’s even going to be sex?”

“Because you’re mad about him, everyone can see that.” Ryland told him.

“I didn’t.” Nate said. “I was too busy checking out your ass.” Ryland blushed.

The doorbell rung and Hemingway started barking. “Good luck.” Pete said.

“Go get him.” Nate and Ryland said together.

Gabe sat in the kitchen and waited a few minutes before William walked in. “Hey bro.”

“Hey, where are the guys off to?” William asked, sitting down.


“I thought Pete wanted to talk to me?” William frowned.

Gabe shook his head. “No, it was me who wanted to talk to you.”

“Really? About what?”

“Um…” Gabe rubbed the back of him neck. How did he tell William?

“Actually, can I ask you something first?” William blurted. Gabe nodded. “The last two weeks, what has been with the whole kissing guys thing?”

“That’s actually why I wanted to talk to you.” Gabe closed his eyes. “See, I had this list.”

“A list?” William raised an eyebrow. “What, like a kissing list?”

“Pretty much yeah. But it was only about one guy in particular. It was mainly for confidence, for the last guy.”

“How many guys are on this list of yours?”

“12. I’ve already kissed 11.”

“So, the last one on the list is the guy who you… what, want to fuck?”

“No, well, maybe, but no, that wasn’t the reason. The last guy is someone who I’ve been in love with for years, but I’ve never told him how I felt.”

“Am I allowed to see this list?” William asked, curious.

“I’d rather not show you.” Gabe blushed.

“Oh come on, it can’t be anyone too embarrassing. I mean, you aren’t in love with like, Pete or… Oh my God, are you in love with Pete?”

“Hell no! He was first on the list though.”

“You obviously started this before I thought then.” William cocked his head at Gabe. “Please, can I see the list?”

Gabe sighed, looking into William’s chocolate brown eyes. “Ok then. But don’t judge me.” Gabe got the list out of his hoody and threw it across the table. As William reached for it, Gabe flew outside. William was about to follow him, when his own curiosity won. Who was that bad that Gabe was worried about William’s reaction?

He opened the list up and stared at the names on the list. But his eyes bulged at the last one.Pete Wentz

Joe Trohman

Brendon Urie

Spencer Smith

Travis McCoy

Shaant Hacikyan

Random @ FBR Party

Michael Guy Chislett

Guy Ripley


Nate Novarro

William Beckett

Gabe was in love with him?!? No way, his eyes had to be deceiving him. But no, clear as day, was his name. And Gabe was a hell of a lot gayer than William thought, Gabe hadn’t dotted the i’s, but he’d put a heart above them.

He kept hold of the list and stormed outside to where Gabe was currently smoking. “How the fuck could you keep this from me?” He shouted.

“I knew you’d react like this.” He said quietly.

“So you didn’t tell me?” William fumed, ripping the cigarette from Gabe’s mouth and throwing it on the floor. “How long?”

“2 years, give or take.” Gabe still wasn’t looking at William.

“What?!” William screeched.

“I’m sorry, I just… I-”

“You kissed 11 other guys, just to tell me you loved me? Do you know how fucked up that actually is?”

“I’m Gabe Saporta, I live for fucked up.”

“You went around kissing 11 guys, 11 of your friends, my friends, our friends, including my band mates, because in your fucked up world, that’s a good way of saying I love you?”

“I get the message. I was actually a lot more confident 4 days ago, before I talked to you.” Gabe looked up at William for the first time.

“What? What did I do that made you less confident?” William asked, genuinely confused.

“You told me about that guy that you like. Amazing, smart, a great friend, really talented, cheers you up, ring any bells?”

“Yeah, I thought it would ring bells with you though.” William told him.

“Why would it? I don’t know the guy. You said so.”

William shook his head. “I lied. You do know him. You know him better than anyone does.” Gabe just looked at him, confused. “Let me help you out.” William leant forward and kissed Gabe gently.

Gabe, shocked as he was, relaxed into the kiss, something he hadn’t done much with the previous people on the list.

William pulled away and licked his lips. “You can cross that last name off your list now. It’s all done.” Gabe just kept staring at him. William rolled his eyes and crossed the name out himself, before turning on Gabe.

“It’s you, ok? I was talking about you. You are amazing Gabe, you’re smart, despite what you act like sometimes, you’re a great friend to me, except when you’re kissing our friends in front of me, you help cheer me up whenever I feel like shit and you’re such a talented guy.” William looked down, blushing. “Do you get it now? You didn’t need a list, you just needed to tell me how you felt.” Gabe was still staring at William. “Uh, Gabe?”

“You lost me when you kissed me.”

William grinned, shaking his head. “You’re a dork Saporta.”

“Well, this dork wants to be your boyfriend. And also wants to kiss you if you say yes.”

William rolled his eyes. “Of course I want to be your boyfriend. Now, kiss me dork.”

Gabe didn’t need to be told twice.Pete Wentz

Joe Trohman

Brendon Urie

Spencer Smith

Travis McCoy

Shaant Hacikyan

Random @ FBR Party

Michael Guy Chislett

Guy Ripley


Nate Novarro

William Beckett
♠ ♠ ♠
THE END. Of the kisses at least. And as if that wasn't obvious with the pairing.

MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! Have a happy Gamilliam Christmas now!

So, this chapter today is dedicated to Jess because she's fucking awesome! And also, I need to remind her of the pisstake song she's doing. And to comment. -hint hint-

And all you guys, comment as well! Make my Christmas! It will make Gabe and Bilvy happyful too! :D

Much Love And Merry Christmas Again!

D!ATD xoxo