12 Days of Christmas Kisses.

Christmas Day.

When Gabe woke up on Christmas morning, he noticed two things.

One, William Beckett was in his bed at Pete’s, laying on him, his head on Gabe’s chest.

Two, William Beckett was in his bed at Pete’s, naked. And so was he.

He grinned, remembering what had happened the day before. William loved him back, William had said yes, that he wanted to be Gabe’s boyfriend, William had, as cliché as it sounded in Gabe’s head, shown him the stars last night. 3 times.

He wondered if Pete, Nate and Ryland knew that William was still here. Right now, he couldn’t be bothered to tell them if they didn’t know, he was comfortable with William on his chest. If he didn’t want to disturb William, he would be running up and down the hallway screaming ‘WILLIAM BECKETT LOVES ME!’ in all his naked glory. But William was still asleep, and he knew they should both have got sleep after the energy they used up last night.

He kissed William’s head gently, pulling his arms to wrap around the thin man’s body. William shuffled in his arms and yawned. He looked up at Gabe and smiled sleepily. “Hey Gabey.” He said. “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas babe.” Gabe leant down and kissed William on the lips.

“Mmm, I could get used to waking up like this.” William mumbled, nuzzling his face against Gabe’s bare chest.

“Mmm, it would be nice, wouldn’t it?” Gabe replied.

William grinned. “We should get up. Otherwise Pete’s gonna bound in here and see us naked. And his reaction is ugly.”

“Mhm, you’re right about that.” Gabe sniffed the air. “And I can smell the turkey cooking already.”

“Gabe, Bill, get your freakishly tall asses out of bed now, Pete’s bouncing around like a skittish kitten on red bull.” Nate banged on the door.

“Coming, midget!” Gabe shouted back.

“You better not be, get ready now!”

“Get lost Nate or you’re on Brendon duty New Years Eve!” William shouted.

“Going!” Nate ran off, making Gabe and William laugh.

“So, wanna borrow some of my clothes?” Gabe asked.

“I’ll stick with my jeans, but I could use a shirt.”

“Go topless, sexy.”

15 minutes later, the two of them walked down, hand in hand, to find Pete, Patrick, Joe, Andy, Nate, Ryland, Sisky, Michael and Butcher all in the lounge.

“FINALLY!” Pete shouted.

“So, you guys have a good night?” Michael smirked.

“Fantastic, actually.” Gabe grinned.

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, fantastic 3 times over, actually.” William smirked. Gabe sat on the last seat and pulled William down onto his lap, kissing him.

“Aww, you guys make me wanna puke.” Joe said, joking.

“Presents?” Pete asked, bouncing on his heels.

“Sure, let’s go for it.”

“SWEET!” Pete dived under his tree and pulled out the first one.

William and Gabe looked at each other, smiling. Neither of them could believe that it had taken so long for them to get together, especially when they were obviously so in love with each other and they didn’t even notice.

But that didn’t matter now. They were together, they were happy and it was Christmas.

Life was good at that moment in time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwws! Thank you so much for all of your comments! I didn't get on the computer at all yesterday, so I wasn't able to read them, but they all made me smile today.

This chapter is for For The Love Of Yana because... well, I guess it was just random today. I guess it's because your day was hectic, so here's a dedication for you.

2 more chapters to go, then it's the end. Please still read, I really hope you've enjoyed the story so far, and who knows... I might do another kiss list story in the future.

And I hope everyone's Christmas was amaze. Hannahh, this is to make up for your's (you'll get your sexy times tomorrow).

Also, read these stories.
YouAndMeForeverYoung. A girl!Gabe story. It's pretty awesome, so read it!
Fate: Brought To You By Gypsy Magic. A girl!Spencer story. They both tie in together, so read them both, or no more updates for you. I mean it!

Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo