12 Days of Christmas Kisses.

Spencer Smith.

“Ok, Spencer is bound to be easy.” Pete said to Gabe the next day.

“Yeah, just wait until he’s drunk and go for it.” Brendon added. “He probably won’t remember it anyway.”

“Are you saying my best friend drinks that much on a night out?” Ryan asked, raising an eyebrow at Brendon.

“Uh, I love you?” Brendon tried.

Ryan stared at Brendon a little longer before kissing him.


The four of them were in Pete’s kitchen, talking about Gabe’s list. Gabe had let Ryan in on it too, one because he wasn’t on the list, and two because he had overheard most of what Gabe had said to Brendon the night before. Gabe had shown the two new lovers his list and they approved of what Gabe was ultimately doing.

“To be honest, I’ve known him almost all my life, wait until he’s had a few beers and he won’t really care.” Ryan told him.

“You’re telling me how to practically force a kiss on your oldest friend?”

“Did I not do the same thing with Joe?” Pete asked. “Just go with it, bro.”

So, when they were all in a random club Pete had chosen that night, Gabe waited until Spencer had at least 7 or 8 beers before heading over.

“Hey Spencer Smith, can I kiss you?” He asked.

Spencer stared at him. “Sure.” He smirked. “You’re Gabe fucking Saporta after all.”

Gabe pressed his lips against Spencer’s, making it as innocent as possible. But Spencer made that difficult when he was running his hands up Gabe’s shirt and dragging his fingernails lightly down his back.

“Thank you.” Gabe said when he pulled away.

“Sure. I’m gonna go compare you to Jon now.” Spencer grinned and winked, walking off.

“Jon and Spencer, now like that wasn’t obvious.” Gabe murmured to himself, grinning at the thought of the two Panic members getting together.

Unseen by the vocalist, William had seen the whole thing, as he had with the kiss with Brendon the night before.

He shouldn’t feel jealous, but he did. It had started when Gabe and Joe had kissed, but he didn’t know why.

He walked over to the bar and got two shots, which he quickly drank. Then he went back over to where Mike and Chislett were standing talking.

Why was he so fucking jealous over one of his friends kissing people who weren’t him? Seriously, it made no sense to him. Although, he was nearly drunk, so that could also be why he didn’t understand.

Gabe, on the other hand, quickly crossed the next name off of the list. Then he walked back over to his band and began to truly enjoy himself.Pete Wentz

Joe Trohman

Brendon Urie

Spencer Smith
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Heheheh. Soooo, who's next do you think? I'll give you a hint, it was mentioned already in a comment.

So, that's just given you a good reason to comment, heheh.

Much Love!