12 Days of Christmas Kisses.

Travis McCoy.

“Travie!” Gabe said as the Gym Class Heroes front man showed up.

“Hey Gabe, how’s it hanging?” Travis asked, hugging Gabe.

“Pretty fucking awesome.” Gabe grinned.

“Travie, dude, you made it!” Joe grinned. “Wanna get high?”

“High?” Jon looked up from where he was sitting with Spencer and Pete. “Can I join in?”

“Sure dude, come on, back yard!” Joe, Travis and Jon made for the back yard.

Gabe grinned to himself. If Travis was going to be stoned, this would make number 5 even easier.

“Gabe, you know, you should wait a while dude.” Pete said about 5 minutes later.

“What? Why?” Gabe asked him.

“They’ve probably only just lit that shit, wait a while.”

“Ding dong!” Sisky shouted as he jumped through the door. The rest of his band shuffled in behind him.

“Where’s the party tonight? Or did we just bring it?” William asked.

“Oh, I’m ready for it! Come on bring it!” Gabe sung, doing a little dance. William gave him a look before laughing.

“So kiss me goodbye!” William sung, dancing with Gabe. “Honey, I’m gonna make it out alive.”

“Ok, how pathetic is that? Seriously.” Brendon chuckled.

An hour later, Joe, Jon and Travis were still in the garden. Gabe was impressed with how long they could stand it out there. It was freezing and it was close to snowing.

At the moment, Gabe didn’t mind that Travis was still out there. He was still dancing and singing with William, but now Brendon and Sisky had joined in. And someone had got the alcohol out, so they were all a little worse than if they had been sober.

“Two more weeks! My foot is in the door!” The four of them sung.

Then Pete joined in. And of course, he had to do his screams.

All their bands watched them, some people laughing so hard they had to keep wiping away tears.

“What next?” Pete asked.

“Now I’m of consenting age!” Sisky started singing. Brendon’s face lit up and he joined in, along with everyone else. “To be forgetting you in the caberet!”

“Oh my God.” Ryan grinned, shaking his head slightly. “I’m embarrassed for them.”

“You aren’t the only one.” Patrick handed Ryan a beer. “Let’s just watch and throw it back in their faces later.”

“Sounds awesome.” Mike said, sitting down with them.

The three who had been in the garden finally came back in, high as kites.

“Come join us guys!” Pete shouted at them. “All of you, come on!”

Andy put music on and everyone thought ‘Fuck it’ and decided to have a good time.

A few minutes later, William looked over at Gabe and saw him kissing Travis. His jaw dropped and he walked out of the room to the kitchen. He seriously shouldn’t be thinking of Gabe, he was William’s best friend, that was it!

Was it?

Gabe on the other hand, parted from Travis, who grinned. Gabe pecked his cheek and went to get another beer. As he did, he crossed off the next name on his list.Pete Wentz

Joe Trohman

Brendon Urie

Spencer Smith

Travis McCoy
♠ ♠ ♠
Heheh, you all guess wrong!!! It wasn't Ryland!

I'm not so sure about the next guy, but I thought, hey, why not?

I'll be updating again tonight, since Hannahh made me an amazing background for my lappytop, so I'm giving her two updates. :D

Comments make me happy. Keep guessing who's on the list, I like to see what you think.

Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo