12 Days of Christmas Kisses.

Shaant Hacikyan.

William had woken up, crashed on Pete’s couch. They had all stayed at Pete’s, spread out across the house. He looked at the armchair and saw Brendon in Ryan’s lap, still sleeping. Then he looked up and saw Gabe leaning on his shoulder, snoring ever so slightly.

Gabe, who last night had kissed Travis. And the night before had kissed Spencer, and the night before that, Brendon. What was he even playing at? Was he working around his friends?

Gabe shuffled in his sleep a little, so William took the chance to get out from under him. He walked out into the garden and saw Pete standing there, on his cell.

“Sure dude, I’m sure you do.” He said, laughing. He noticed William and smiled, waving. William waved back and walked back in.

Coffee. Coffee was good in the morning. Otherwise he was going to be a zombie for the rest of the day.

As he was making it, Ryan and Brendon walked in, hand in hand. He poured them both a cup of the hot drink and they took a sip before sighing.

“You, are amazing, William Beckett.” Ryan sighed.

“It’s only coffee.” William shrugged.

“Yeah, but let’s remember who can’t function in the morning without coffee.” Brendon smirked. Then- “Ow! Ry, that hurt.”

“So, did you see what Travie and Gabe got up to last night?” William asked them, trying to sounded interested, but uninterested.

“Yeah, Gabe walked over to Travie, kissed him, then went off to get another beer.” Ryan told him, taking another sip of his coffee.

“It’s a little weird. Gabe keeps kissing everyone. I mean, it’s a little fucked up.” William looked away, looking into the lounge, so he didn’t see Ryan and Brendon exchange a look.

“I dunno dude.”

“Guys, everyone, wake up!” Pete shouted, running into the house. “We’ve got more people showing up in like half an hour, so we gotta get you asses up!”

“Pete really has a death wish.” Ryan laughed.

Half an hour later, everyone was awake (most hungover) and drinking coffee.

“Fuck, my head is killing me.” Travis moaned.

“That’s what you get for doing what you do.” Joe slapped him on the back.

“Come on through guys, everyone’s a little hungover today.” Pete said. He brought in all of Cute, Paramore, The Cab and Hey Monday with him.

“What’s hanging guys?” Cassadee asked, sitting down with them.

“Not a lot.”

“Gabe, you ok dude?” Shaant asked.

“Just a little hangover, nothing I haven’t had before.” Gabe replied. Shaant walked over to him and kissed him.

Gabe, shocked as he was, kissed back for a few seconds before pulling away. “What the fuck dude?”

“You’re sitting under mistletoe.” Shaant replied. Gabe looked up and saw he was in fact under mistletoe.

Later, Gabe cornered Pete. “You planted the mistletoe and told Shaant, didn’t you?”

“Just helping you along.” Pete smirked before leaving him.

Gabe laughed to himself, getting the list and crossing off number 6. He was looking forward to the next one. The next day was when the party was. And Gabe had no idea who he would kiss yet.Pete Wentz

Joe Trohman

Brendon Urie

Spencer Smith

Travis McCoy

Shaant Hacikyan
♠ ♠ ♠
Uhh, yeah, so I kinda forgot to update again last night, but that was only because I went out. I was totally planning to update, but my friend called me, I hadn't gone out in a while, I couldn't resist, you know?

Comment and I might update again tonight.

Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo