12 Days of Christmas Kisses.

Michael Guy Chislett.

He’s looking forward to this one. He knew Michael was gay, and that he’d made out with the rest of his band at least once, but he wanted to know the first hand experience.

“Chizzy, amazing guitarist, my most favourite Australian ever, oh wondrous man.” Gabe said as he threw himself next to the Australian on the couch.

“What do you want Gabe?” He asked, an eyebrow raised.

“I need a favour.” Gabe began. “I need to kiss you.”

“And why do you need to do that? What am I getting out of it?”

“Well, I’ll explain everything when I’ve done it, but what you’ll be getting out of it is knowing what a kiss from Gabe Saporta is really like.” Gabe waggled his eyebrows.

“Fair enough.” Michael leant over and the two men kissed.

William walked into the room to ask Gabe a question when he saw the two men kissing. He left the room just as quietly as he had entered, reminding himself to ask Gabe the next day instead.

“Mhm, that was pretty damn good.” Michael said as they pulled apart.

“You know it, bro.” Gabe grinned.

“Right, now, you explain why you need to do this.”

Gabe sighed but explained everything to Michael, swearing him to secrecy. He also showed him the rest of the names on the list, which as of now was just four more names.

“Ok, so this explains so much.” Michael said after Gabe had finally explained. “I don’t see why you just didn’t tell-”

“Bill’s looking for you, Gabe.” Sisky bounced in.

“Jesus, who gave you sugar?”

“Brendon shared his red bull.”

That fucker is going down.”

“Come back after you’ve talked to Bill, I have to tell you something.” Michael said, winking.

Gabe walked out of the room and up to where William was sitting on the bed Gabe was currently using. As he walked in, William was looking out the window, singing softly to himself.

“Bill, Sisky said you wanted to talk to me.” Gabe said, making William jump.

“Hey.” William said, not smiling back at Gabe’s wide grin. Gabe’s smile faltered.

“What’s up?” Gabe sat next to William. William said nothing, just looked down at his hands before finally looking up at Gabe.

“You know I’m bi and everything?” He started.

“Yeah.” Gabe replied.

“I think I might be just gay.”

“Why do you think that?” Gabe asked.

“Well lately, I haven’t been finding women attractive. And there’s this one guy I know that I think I’m in love with.”

“Really?” Gabe was a little surprised. “What’s he like?”

“He… He’s amazing, really amazing. He’s smart, a great friend, always cheers me up, is really talented-”

“Sounds sweet.” Gabe told him. “Who is it then?”

“Uhh… you don’t know him.” William looked down at his watch. “Look, I gotta go. I’ll see you later, ok?”

“Alright. Bye Bill.” Gabe said. William walked out of the room and Gabe got his list out and crossed the next name out.Pete Wentz

Joe Trohman

Brendon Urie

Spencer Smith

Travis McCoy

Shaant Hacikyan

Random @ FBR Party

Michael Guy Chislett
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, I just watched the trippiest video ever. It was fun. :D

This will definitely be the first of a double update tonight. I'll probably post in about half an hour to an hour's time, so comment fast!

Christmas soon! I hope that everyone gets what they want. As long as I get Ryan Ross in my bed, I'll be a very happy bunny. :D:D:D

Comment fast, I want to know who you think will be next tonight. There will probably be another double update tomorrow too, since I need to catch up to post chapter 12 on Christmas eve. Or possibly Christmas morning (England time) if I don't get around to it.

Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo