‹ Prequel: Cats Eyes

Cats Eyes Two : Mendax Strikes Back


“So we’re agreed?” Mog asked Casper, “Jakob will be flown to Caji within the next few days?”

Casper nodded, one eye on his issue of The Daily Paw-cuff.
“He’s too much of a risk on earth” he said, “Just look at the paper; there’s been almost thirty attacks in the last week. If he’s captured and the spells we taught him are discovered, he could be used by Mendax and his supporters”

He continued to flick anxiously through the paper, sighing as the reports grew bleaker. Cats from every corner of Caji claimed to be displaying symptoms of possession or had been admitted to hospitals for undetermined curses. After much debating, Casper and Mog had organized a group of cats who would monitor such events and defend Caji from direct attacks from Mendax and his supporters. Since only these supporters were aware of what form Mendax had taken in his next life, it was almost impossible to trace him. For this reason, Mog had decided that Halo should lead the group, most of whom were members of their battle training classes. A meeting was to be held that evening, after which Casper and Mog planned to make arrangements for Jakob’s flight to Caji. They planned to have him smuggled form Earth in a private Caji shuttle, flown by their trusted friend from the dungeons, Ernie.

It had been several days since they had visited the Sailveg hospital and spoken with Caliban. In the flurry of activity across Caji, the terrible event had been pushed to the back of their minds. But now they were in the quiet of the palace’s main hall, the horror of Caliban’s death was fresh in their minds. It wasn’t just witnessing him dying that bothered them; it was the absolute control Mendax had over him. Both Mog and Casper knew that Caliban would never have willingly joined forces with Mendax, but from what they had seen it was the only explanation possible. And when he had served his purpose and was of no use to their mission, Mendax had cursed him. The thought filled them with dread as they realize many more cats would follow.

“I suppose we need to get ready for the meeting” Casper said unenthusiastically, “What are we doing tonight anyway?”

He folded his copy of the Daily Paw-cuff with a tired sigh and looked at Mog expectantly.
“Basically we need to discuss protection for Jakob” she replied, “Plus come up with counter curses for the attacks we’ve encountered so far. And we need to work out the best way of trying to find Billie Joe”

Casper sighed. He’d barely slept since their visit to Sailveg hospital and the situation on Caji was making him increasingly fearful.

“Since we’ve go so much to do tonight” Mog said suddenly, “Why don’t you take the cats who aren’t in Halos group for some extra battle training? Take them up to the crater and practice fire attacks”

Casper nodded, thinking about the fire attacks he had learned during his time in the dungeons. Recalling their ferocity, he agreed that a nearby crater would be an ideal place to practice with the enthusiastic, yet often rather unskilled cats who had not been selected for the group lead by Halo. In particular, younger cats like Merlin would be valuable should the war be a long one, but Casper did not like the idea of him summoning fire inside the palace.

Suddenly, the door to the hall burst open and a small furry bundle tumbled in. It proceeded to roly-poly across the tiled floor, before crashing headlong into Mog. It got up, shook itself off and looked at Casper and Mog eagerly.

“What are we doing tonight?” it asked breathlessly.
Taking a moment to recover, Mog had to smile at the young cats. Merlin might not have been as naturally talented as Halo, but he was enthusiastic and full of energy.

“You can go up to the crater with Casper” Mog told him, “You’ll be learning for attacks for Caji battles”

A whoop from Merlin followed as the rest of the class filed into the hall. After a quick greeting, Mog and Casper divided them into their respective groups and the cats not chosen as part of Halo’s were lead out of palace.

“Okay everyone” Mog announced to the remaining cats, “I’m going to appoint one of you to protect Jakob when he arrives on Caji. Any volunteers?”

Not a single cat stepped forward, even brave Halo stared at the ground avoiding Mog’s eye. It was common knowledge that Jakob was a threat to Mendax and his supporters, therefore a target for attacks. This, combined with his connections to Casper and Mog, made protecting him an extremely dangerous job. All was silent for several moments as the cats shifted uneasily. Finally, Halo spoke.

“I suppose I could do it” he said uncertainly, “As well as leading the group…”
He trailed off, obviously hoping that Mog would refuse his offer.

“It’s alright Halo”, she said, “You’ve got enough to do. We’ll find someone else to protect Jakob, don’t worry”
There was a clatter from the door, followed by Merlin’s excited squeak.

“I’ll do it” he said eagerly, “I’ll protect him”

Choosing to ignore his undignified entrance, Mog stared at his filthy, scorched fur. It was matted with blood in parts, and bald in others, yet he smiled up at her.

“Casper sent me back here” he explained, “I couldn’t exactly get the hang of fire charms…but I do want to protect Jakob”

Mog gulped. Merlin was accident prone and immature, but she knew he was also brave and daring. He would fight to the death to defend Jakob, and it wasn’t as if there were any other volunteers.

“Alright Merlin” she said cautiously, “You can do it. Just wait behind after the class and we’ll arrange for him to be flown out”

Meanwhile, in Mendax’s secret base, Cosmo and Oden attempted to wire the haoki to Billie Joe’s scaly body. It was extremely difficult, as neither cat wanted to get their fur wet and Billie’s new fish-like form allowed him to slip underwater easily.

“You idiot” Cosmo snapped, “You were supposed to be holding onto him Oden”

The haoki was a series of complicated wires which were to be attached to Billie Joe. They would then be wired up to the cat who wished to control him, in this case Mendax. Billie had not seen Mendax in his next life, but judging by the fear in the other cat’s voices when they addressed him, he guessed that he was as terrifying as ever. As though proving the point, the voice echoed loudly in the base.

“Agents” it snapped, “Have you forgotten all that I have taught you? Stun silly Billie with a simple charm and then attach the wires. And hurry up about it?”

Within moments, Billie Joe felt his body become numb. He attempted to swim out of the cats reach, but was held firmly by Cosmo and Oden’s strong paws. Unable to move, he felt wires pierce his scaly skin painfully and currents surge throughout his body. Instantly, his rain became curiously foggy as though smothered in cotton wool. He was no longer in control of his movements, his limbs twitching independently. The dull voice ordering the cats around seemed to be penetrating his skull and seeming into the cloudiness of his brain.

“Worship me” it hissed, “Tell us all that Mendax is your master”

Billie Joe clamped his mouth shut in an attempt to prevent himself from saying it. The words burned in his throat, reminding him of the moment his wife and son had been killed by the agents. Yet despite him despising Mendax, the wires controlling him forced the statement from his lips.

“M-Mendax is my master” he stammered

All fell silent as Billie was left to cry alone in his watery world.