Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

Destined To Be Amazing

I was running through the woods home from a friend's house. I'd stayed there over night and on my way home some guy came out at me and chased me. This is where is got me. I'm usually fairly fast and can hold my own thanks to everything my older brother Emmett taught me. He was my prime caretaker since our parents died in a car crash, and he did everything he could for me. But I didn't know that I'd never get to say goodbye to him.
My chaser was gaining on me and in a matter of seconds he had me pinned to the forrest floor.
"Now, Girly. You weren't trying to get away were you?" He growled into my ear.
"Get it over with. Do to me what you must just don't hurt anyone else. Especially not Emmett." I replied, begging him just to get through with me and leave everyone else in our town in peace.
The next thing I knew, was a fiery pain. it spread through my body like a searing, scorching blaze. As I writhed in pain on the cold, moist floor of the forrest I heard my attacker whisper into my ear "Have fun with your new life, Girly. Hope you don't slaughter too much." He chuckled.
"Who... are you?" I managed to get out through my gasps for air.
"I'm your maker, Girly. They sent m to seek out those who could be great in their second life. You, are going to be amazing once you awaken again."
I heard him turn away, "I hope we can meet in the future, once you're more established." He called out. That was the last thing I heard before I gave into the pain and let it take my consciousness.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short, but I couldn't go any further from here without going into her life after she's turned.