Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

Who I am Now and Who I Was Then

It was when Carlisle came through the door that I noticed how close we'd become. I didn't realize at all what little space there was between us now. I quickly moved over enough to make it look like we were just sitting there and that was it. Not that I was starting to feel a flutter in my heart when he was with me and we were alone.
"Ah, here you are Jersey. I heard that something happened to you. You most certainly look fine, but we'll see after I've examined you just a bit closer." Carlisle said, "If you wouldn't mid Edward..." Carlisle didn't need to say it twice, he probably said it loud and clear in his head. And with that Edward was gone.
I watched his figure go through the door, and listened to his feet pad down the stairs, hoping, wondering if he was starting to feel even the slightest flutter of his heartstrings that I did. When I heard him reach the main floor I turned my attention to Carlisle.
He pulled out a stool then was near the wall and sat across from me. "Well, I've only been given what is a need-to-know basis. Would you like to fill me in on everything else so I can help you?" Heordered suggested.
I laid on the bed facing the ceiling. Taking a deep breath, I started my explanation. "I was eating breakfast that Esme and Alice had made me at the dinning table. Edward was sitting with me and we were just talking. I don't know what happened, but I lapsed into a vision... like the ones Alice has. It was really weird. I haven't envisioned anything since I was a human and would dream things that would happen..." My voice trailed off.
"What did you envision?" He pried.
"It was Edward. He was gingerly holding two pale-faced baby boys with brightly shinning honey colored eyes. One of the boys had a fully head of ink black air, and the other, a head of russet hair. Now that I look closer at it, they both seemed to resemble him in a way and were identical to each other. Edward was smiling down at them in a sort of pride and loving way... like a parent might look at their newborns maybe." I inclined my face so I could see his reaction to all this.
Carlisle sat there thinking for a second. "I wish Alice could see what this meant, but she cannot see anything of your future." He rubbed his temples and leaned forward. "My best guess is that, with your body becoming more human, you'll start noticing some things about you that you only did when you were human. Soon, I'll put a theory down about this. There seems to be none as of yet."
I nodded and turned my face back to the ceiling. With that I heard him move the stool back into the corner, flush with the wall like it was before and exit the room.
If I'm going to be more like my human self... then how many more of my human traits can I expect to show up?
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