Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

The Inevitable

I'm not exactly sure how long I laid there, but it had to have been quite a while because when I looked over at the window the sun told me that it was late afternoon. I pulled myself up from the bed, stiff, and made my way down the steps.
Exiting the wholly empty house I sat on the front step and waited. I'm not sure what I waited for but I sat there and held my pose, just thinking and waiting. Thoughts that crossed my mind were, How long will these people accept me into their home? What would the Volturi do if they found out about me? To what extent am I human? Has there been anyone like me before? But I think my most prominent thought that I pondered was, This entire family is just a group of lovers. Couples. Alice and Jasper. Carlisle and Esme. Emmett and Rosalie. Edward and Bella. Where do I fit in if I've never felt love in my whole life? I know that soon Edward will find another love and have a beautiful family. I've seen it and felt it. But I don't sense or even see any love in my future. Am I meant to suffer alone my entire existence? If I met the one I loved, it would be like all vampires, love at first sight. I can feel that it happened to Jasper and Alice, to Carlisle and Esme, to Rosalie and Emmett, to Edward, to Kenneth and Beatrice. It had happened to every vampire I knew that had a lover. It was the inevitable.
A woodsy, but somewhat horrid smell wafted past my nose. It made a snarl rip through my throat as a wolf in human for approached me. "Who are you?" He inquired.
"Does that concern you, mangy wolf?" I growled out.
"Where is Bella? The human smell here is old and stale."
"That does not concern you. If you wish to know where she is, ask someone that actually knew her." With that said I got up and walked towards the town. It was a long walk, but it would calm my nerves.
Turns out, I headed to the wrong town.
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I'm sorry it's so short, but being Christmas holidays I'm doing the best I can with the time I have.

Merry Christmas!