Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

Rips And Tears

I kept walking and it got dark before I started to see any lights at all. Where am I? Forks couldn't have been that far away... could it have? Mentally shrugging I kept walking along the winding road towards the cluster of lights.
"Get off our land, Monster!" was shouted at me from in the bushes. I turned to the sound. "What are you and why are you on Quilette land?" another voice growled.
"Hey, listen. I'm not here to start anything. I thought I was going to forks but I must've took a wrong turn somewhere. And as for what I am... well I'm not really sure what to call it but I used to be a vampire." I said into the darkness. A breeze went through the area and I caught the scent again, of a repulsing woodsy odor.
I heard more then two growls and was pounced on by about 5, maybe 6 huge beasts that I couldn't even begin to guess at what they were supposed to be. Wolves, my instincts told me.
I ripped and pushed at them but there were too many for me to take down. Using my last resort I opened my mind and started screaming in it as loud as I could for Edward. He was the only person who could find me and help.
My muscles grew sore and I collapsed but the wolves kept at me, their claws and teeth gashing my skin until I looked and felt like I was dead. A howl sounded so I assumed that the pack leader was calling them back because they all left and several more howls and barks filled the air as well. I was alone.
Edward had not shown up at all so I re closed my thoughts up and painfully pulled myself to my feet. Looking at the ground, I could see the amount of blood I'd lost and knew that I would have to find Carlisle and fast, before I passed out and was just left here at the side of the road, about an hour's walk or jog from the house.
A sudden pain shot through my arm and I grasped it tightly in hopes to make it stop. I didn't feel much of a difference so I removed my hand just enough to see the wound. There, right down my arm was a gash about two feet long and I'm estimating two or three inches deep. I was probably loosing a great deal of blood from there still but I couldn't bare to look any longer. I replaced my hand and limped slowly away from here. I bet anything that there was a trail of blood following me. Not like that would be a good thing or anything but it's still probably true.
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Sorry about the long wait, life's been hectic lately. Got a laptop for Christmas so I'm hoping to update a lot more frequently now that I don't have to share the computer.