Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

Please Carlisle

Edward's View
I was lying onmy Jersey's bed inmy our bedroom trying to ignore whatever it was that had such a desirable and yet repulsing smell at the same time. Alice couldn't see it and I couldn't hear it. It was a most interesting mix, like that of a human but smelled slightly off I just couldn't place my finger on what it could have been. I could smell a hint of werewolf in there too.
Oh my God! Oh my God oh my God oh my God! What happened to her? I promised myself I'd never let this happen again! I have to kill the person that did this to her!" Emmett's thoughts rang clear and loud in my head. I took my chance to see what had happened to (probably) Rosalie and ran to the direction his thoughts came from.
When I got outside I met Carlisle on my way out as he was coming in looking like a disaster had happened. His thoughts and muttered words were much to fast and distressed for me to decipher them. Whatever happened, it was big.
Not a second later I was standing beside a frozen in spot Emmett looking out at a dying Jersey, collapsed on the front lawn. Emmett's string of thoughts about his sister dying on him again were still running fluently as we both stood there still as statues.
Carlisle again rushed by us with his medical bag and started bandaging her up. He wasn't doing a perfect job right that minute so I knew that he was going to take her to the hospital. Her injuries looked serious and she was paler than normal, paler than us.
It was then that I remembered everything that I'd analyzed about the smell while waiting to hear about what it was from Carlisle or Emmett. "Werewolves." I whispered but Emmett caught it.
"They did this to her?" his voice was a deathly growl.
"Stop for a second Emmett and smell the air. Her blood is scented like a human's but slightly off because she still is part vampire. She's also covered in the smell of a werewolf. Which one in the pack, I don't know, but it was one of them."
"I'll kill them. I lost her once, there is no way that I'm going to stand by and loose her again."
The whole family then joined us on the front porch and gasped at the sight. Rosalie even appeared to hold concern for her sister-in-law.
All their thoughts blurred and I heard nothing. And though I knew Carlisle wouldn't hear it, I begged him to save her in my head. Please Carlisle, save her. I can't stand to have her die aswell with the death of my Bella darling having not been so long ago. Please Carlisle, I love her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh! What's gonna happen next? Is she going to die? Or will she live to hear Edward's hearty confession to her?