Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits


Edward's View
Carlisle had finally gotten control of the blood flow and we were now speeding to the hospital to check her vitals and everything else that could had been effected by the attack. In the car was only Carlisle, Esme, Jersey and myself. Everyone else was needed back at the house to restrain Emmett from hunting down her attacker or attackers.
Two more minutes of the suspense of her life and I pulled the car hurriedly into the closest space to the emergency doors. We all threw open the doors and Carlisle and I carried her in fast while Esme trailed behind us supporting her head.
"Get me a stretcher!" Carlisle shouted urgently. Though they saw her and realized the seriousness of the situation the human moved all to slowly to get us the stretcher and tell us which room was ready to use.
Racing down the hall at a human pace, myself and Carlisle guiding the stretcher to room 214 while Esme demanded that the team of nurses and assisting doctors ready to help us, left it to Carlisle alone.
Once we reached the room Carlisle turned to me and explained softly, "Son, I think it would be best if you waited in the waiting room for me. I'll come and get you once I know for sure what's going on. Please, try not to look into my thoughts so that you won't be too worried. It's for your own good." and with that he pushed the stretcher through the doors.
I turned away and walked extremely slowly, voiding my mind of all activity. If I let my mind run I be likely to think up the worst case scenarios or drift into Carlisle thoughts when he specifically asked me to stay out. When I found myself in the waiting room I sat next to Esme on the wall of seats closest to the hall leading to her room. Even the few yards distance could mean the second of running we wouldn't have to spare should something go wrong.