Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

Blood Fusion

Three hours had passed. Esme sat there still, praying to whatever God might help us that she'd stay. I'd long started pacing the floors, thinking about anything that could ease my terrified mind from the possibility of her death. Many a time, one of the nurses or passing doctors would give me and Esme a sympathetic look. They had either seen or heard of how she was when we'd arrived.
Time seemed a stand still, though I knew it was ever moving, never stopping. With every passing second I grew only more irritable. The clocks noisy second hand ticked loudly, the stale smell of blood and death burned my nose and throat, the bleach cleaner that had been wiped over everything bit at my eyes, skin, nose and throat as well and the worry in the back of my head nagged and tore at my hopes and prayers. It was all I could do, not to go crazy and destroy the entire room!
But no. I knew in myself that I had more self control than that. I would stay strong and wait for the news. Not only for Bella, but for Jersey. If I ever hoped to tell her how I felt, I hoped also to be enough to deserve her. She deserved better than some monster like the one trying so hard to consume me.
A new smell came close. I was acutely aware of the fragrance of Jersey's stale blood. Not a second later Carlisle stood in the waiting room, covered in a smock that was painted with her blood. "She's stable. If you both would follow me please, there are some things I must talk with you about." An undefinable look was in Carlisle's eye.
Esme and I followed him stiffly, sensing from him that something had gone wrong. Once we all reached her room he sighed and turned to us.
"I'm not exactly sure what she'll be like when she wakes. She lost a lot of blood, and to refrain from turning her again, I had to replace it with human blood. I don't know how her body will react to the change but this seemed safer then trying to turn her again with her still being part vampire. There was a high chance that it would have ended badly. All of us will have to watch her very carefully for a while as a blood test shows that she is more than three quarters human. Other than that, everything went well and the rest depends on how her body reacts to the new blood and change in species levels."
Esme breathed a sigh of relief. Though she may be happy, I couldn't seem to find a reason to rejoice. The fight wasn't won yet. There was still a chance her body would react badly and she'd die. She was only still getting used to the transfusion before, this would be horrid on her. But all I could do for now... was wait.
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