Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

Snow White

A week passed. Though, Jersey lied still in her bed and time had ceased to exist for her, it had never stopped for those around her. Charlie had finally set a date for Bella's funeral. It was to be two days from today, there fore allowed Bella's mother and step father time to relax, not to just get here and attend her funeral only hours later.
With everything that had been going on, none of us Cullen's had been attending school so as not to throw people off when things settled down, Carlisle had taken us out for the rest of the year. Really it was only a few months left until graduation, but it was still the past three weeks that we'd have been absent for. Right now, Carlisle himself was on vacation so that he was alert and ready should anything happen to Jersey.
Currently, I lay beside her just thinking of everything that had happened this week with the worry of her life.
She showed up late at night here and it was Thursday. When we took her to the hospital she wasn't out of operation with Carlisle until the morning of Friday. All throughout Friday we took turns staying in the room with her. Esme, Carlisle and I routinely switched off until noon when the rest of the family arrived. After that Emmett would take extra long shifts and also do Rosalie's. While we weren't in her room we were in the waiting room discussing how to better protect her in low voices as to assure that no humans heard.
We took her home on Saturday morning and she still hadn't stirred from her slumber. Carlisle figure that her body was trying to adjust and therefore she would only awaken once her body was sure it was ready.
The rest of the week had gone on similar to that, with each of us coming in to check on her throughout the days and nights. We'd received news of the funeral only yesterday and hoped she's awaken in time to join us and mourn over Bella. She was, after all, the one that gave us the strength to move on.
It was without a doubt that Emmett and I were the most worried of the family, Emmett being her biological elder brother and I being in love with her. That was another thing. Still also, no one besides myself knew that I'd become infatuated with the younger McCarty sibling. When we were alone, which was often, I talk to her like she was conscious and listening, I'd play music from her time when she was a human as well, and when the family was out, or I knew for a fact that no one would hear or notice I'd kiss her frozen lips as if she were Snow White and I was to wake her with true love's first kiss. Rosalie was also on order to never leave Emmett's side as he was still very vengeful.
It was then that I heard in Alice's mind that she was going to come and bring me down; I'd been up here long enough.
I leaned over and placed my lips on Jersey's lush rose ones. Though when I pulled away her eyes still shut, and her breathing was still as even as it had been only moments before. I sighed.
"Edward, I know you're worried about her, we all are, but you can\t stay locked up here until she wakes up. Come on." Alice said and all but dragged me down stairs. Fortunately, I could still hear the routine thumping of her heart. It calmed me so I went willingly. Halfway down the stairs, though, the beating faltered and slowed, briefly coming to a stop.