Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

The Blood Of The Animal

"Help!" I heard someone scream. It could have been miles away but I still went in the direction. Running as fast as I could, I went to see that there was nothing and no one there. The voice had sounded eerily familiar to me. Must have been someone I used to know. I sighed. I'd now been a vampire for a year, and today was supposed to be my birthday (July 1st) when I was to turn 17.
Noting that no one was there I turned away and spotted a panther crouching and ready to pounce at me. Getting down in the same position I sighed again and got my lunch. Every day was like this and I'd been living away from society from far too long. If I went back to my old village then they'd surely recognize me (seeing as it's only been a year) so I headed East.
Staying in the shadows I was soon encountered a woman feeding off a deer. She had a cute, heart-shaped face and a petite, proportioned figure. She was in the plain clearing, her skin (like mine) glittering freely. I stepped towards her.
"Hello" I called in a polite voice.
She looked up. "Greetings. I am Esme Cullen. Do I know you from somewhere?"
"Not that I know of. Are there others of you who do not feed off humans?"
"Yes. Come with me to the rest of my family." She then ran off. I followed suit and kept an easy and effortless pace beside her. Within seconds we were in another clearing the stood a male vampire in the middle.
"Greetings Carlisle. I bring another of our kind." She introduced.
"Ah, I see that Esme. And who might you be child?"
"I am Jersey McCarty. I, like you, feast only on the blood of the animal." I reached my hand out to shake. He graciously took it.
"I am Carlisle. It's a pleasure to meet you Jersey. Though, I'm afraid we're going to have to cut this meeting short. I can smell my son and daughter arriving fast. My daughter seems to bear a dying human. Please leave us now, and we shall meet in the future." He smilled.
"I do hope so. You are both very kind. Goodbye for now Carlisle and Esme." I shouted before running off once more.