Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

To Live Or Die

I still loomed overhead, watching as time passed. I'd been up for for 5 days I'm guessing seeing as I'd seen the sunrise 5 times. Right now Emmett was sitting on the other side of my bed, stroking my hand like he would when I'd have nightmares and talking to my still body about our childhoods as faint and distant as they were.
I barely noticed it at first, but it became all the more prominent that I was floating away from Earth. Oh God no! Please! I'm not ready to die yet! I have so many things I still haven't yet done! I panicked in my head. I looked down to see that my heart was still beating and nothing was wrong yet. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. If this was how I was to go, then so be it I suppose. There wasn't much I could do about it.
For several seconds I felt nothing, but a small feeling that I was being stared at. I opened my eyes cautiously to see a gorgeous girl in front of me vision. She slightly resembled myself but instead had chocolate brown wavy hair and deep, sweet chestnut eyes. She was almost as pale as I, and wore a caring and beautiful smile upon her lips with her eyes shining brightly. "Welcome Jersey. I suppose you wouldn't recognize me, the last time we met I was all bloody and a complete mess. I'm Isabella Swan." She extended her hand towards mine.
I grasped her hand gently. "You are just as beautiful as Edward said you were. Now please, Bella, if you don't mind me asking, where are we and why are we here?"
She let out a small giggle and pulled her hand back motioning to everything around us. "This is the afterlife Jersey. Everything you see here, is what Heaven really is. Just don't tell anyone, they'd be rather upset that it's not perfect or pear gates."
"I'm not... dead, am I?" I questioned carefully.
"No, but it might be easier to explain everything to you if you had a familiar face to reckon with." She snapped her fingers and David appeared by her side.
I gasped and a hand came up to my mouth as I saw one of the people that meant the most to me. "I told you I couldn't go on forever. I'm sorry, Love." David said to me in his always kind and romantic tone.
"What was it you needed to tell me, Bella?" I asked after giving David a forgiven look.
"Well, I called David here so that we could explain to you exactly what would happen. Right now you can either die, or live on but it all depends on how strong you think your will is."
David nodded and continued for her. "If you think you can do it, and never be turned again you can go on living. You will be in almost every aspect a human, but have scentless blood as to not attract or repel any vampires or other creatures, be able to see spirits as a side effect from coming here and well, right now you're talking to spirits and lastly you will in no way be able to die until your true love dies as well."
"Should you have any children they will be either fully vampire or human, whatever species your mate is, and if they are vampire, they will grow up at the same pace as a human but on their 18th birthday they will turn into a vampire completely and they will only lie in pain for an hour. This short time is because the vampire venom will already be dormant inside them, they will just need time for their senses to awaken." Bella continued.
"Oh and we almost forgot, the only way for a vampire's venom to turn you is if you want it to. A vampire could bite you a hundred times but you would still be what you are now, just with a few scars and you'll heal extremely fast and correctly. You'll never need to go to the doctor again." David finished.
I thought this over for a minute. Either die now, or die when my true love dies and until then be pretty much invincible.
"I want to live. My life isn't over yet and I'm not going down without a fight." I declared with a pronounced look in my eye.
"Well let's hurry and get you ready for the flight down. Now don't forget what we've told you, we're always watching you all to keep you safe, and if you think you might forget anything, tell Carlisle all of this as soon as you wake up. Hurry now, you're body's getting ready for you." Bella said.
They pushed me into a hole and I felt a heartbeat in my chest. Not a second later I was trying to slip back into my body. My arms and legs were in and I was now squeezing Edward's hand hard. Once my body and head started to go in, my body went into a seizure probably because of the stress being exerted on it.
Soon enough I slipped entirely into my body and sprang up breathing heavily and sweating with three faces looking in on me, each etched with a different expression.