Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

Explanations to Carlisle

As I studied each face I saw that Edward wore an expression of grief, anxiety and relief with a hint of care; Emmett's was etched with shock, horror and happiness; lastly Carlisle's just screamed curiosity, bewilderment and anxiousness.
I gave them all a small smile and released Edward's hand after squeezing it slightly. "Carlisle, I have to talk to you." I said calmly as not to worry either Emmett or Edward or any one else that may have been listening.
With a single look to both Emmett and Edward they exited the room though not quite as happy as they would have been if they'd have been able to stay. He pulled up a chair and grabbed a notebook ready for me to explain and write down what he thought was most important. "You are explaining what happened, aren't you?" He questioned before he sat down, still ready to drop the notebook if that's not what I was doing.
"Yes, Carlisle. I was actually going to explain what I am, what could happen to me, how I'll live and how I found out. I also plan to tell Edward this, seeing as he deserves to know and is almost directly linked to the messenger that told me."
"Starting from the start?"
"Okay, so from the time I've been unconscious up until now my spirit's been up in the sky just watching everything that's happening. I heard every thought that was processed from all of you and saw every movement. on the fifth day I was out I went up into heaven and was met there by Bella and David. They explained that I could either live or die; I chose to live. After that they explained the consequences of living. Right now I am no species than can truly be created or destroyed on it's own. I am pretty much a human in that I eat and sleep and live but I'm immortal and any wound I should get heals instantly and correctly. I can create offspring though should I they will be the species of their father. So say I had children with a vampire, which is possible, they would be completely human until their 18th birthday upon which they will undergo the transformation in just a few hours, enough time to awaken their senses seeing as the venom will already reside in their systems. The only way I can be turned by a vampire is if I truly want it to but should that happen I will die during the transformation. Other than that the only real way for me to die is if my soul mate dies."
"You really are one of a kind Jersey McCarty. Yes I do agree you should tell Edward of this seeing as it had to do with Bella and I will keep record of this should we ever need to look back on it say should you get pregnant." He then left the room and I lied back down on my bed. Now, one thing still bothers me from before this all happened. What did that vision of Edward mean?