Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits


Some time later Edward poked his head into the room. Still I was just staring into blank space thinking. "Jersey?" Edward called softly, breaking my silence. I looked at him expectantly. "Carlisle said that you had something you wished to tell me?" he pursued.
"Oh." I said recollecting that I did wish to tell him about my time with Bella. "Yes, I did."
He took a seat on the bed next to me and held my hand, caressing it slightly. I smiled lightly at him. "I... wanted to tell you about what I experienced when I wasn't exactly... here, to put it one way." he urged me on with a smile. "You see, ever since I collapsed outside in front of Carlisle and Emmett I've been watching from somewhere in the sky. I saw and heard everything, thoughts included. I was scared, I thought I would die for sure. Days passed and really, nothing happened. I stayed there not really alive but not dead either. I'm not sure how long ago it was or how long I was up there, but on what I suspected was the fifth day, I entered heaven. There, I met Bella and David. She seemed like she was a lovely, nice girl when she was living. It was truly amazing seeing them both, and heart wrenching at the same time. They explained calmly what I am now. I'm not a vampire anymore... but I'm not human. I'm the first ever of my being. Everything about my being, I've told Carlisle. To sum it up simply, I cannot die until the person I love dies. I can only assume I'll age with them as well. I am capable of pregnancy and no matter how many times a vampire should bite me I won't change unless I truly want to, and in that case, I'll die during the change. Should I birth a child, it will stay human and dormant until it's 18th birthday. Then if it is human it will stay human. If it is any other species like wolf of vampire, it will undergo the change in a short time." I stopped to take in his reaction.
"You saw Bella?"
"Yes, I'm sure she misses you. She seemed happy." I responded.
"I miss her also." he said absently with a sad smile.
"Edward, I... I saw and heard everything that went on during the time I was unconscious. I want you to know, that... although I do think you should move on from Bella... I don't think it should be with me."
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I'm sorry updates have been scarce on all my stories lately, I've been busy with exam prep as we're now in exam week. After this and all my classes get up and running again I'll be posting more frequently.