Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits


Jersey's View
I don't know why, but I did it. Inside of me somewhere, there had to be a motive that I didn't know for rejecting Edward's unasked question. That motive was secretive though, and would not reveal its self. Other wise I wouldn't have said anything about it, I just would have let it be. What confused me the most, was that I knew inside my heart that I loved him.
Was it just that I couldn't stand to be that tied down? That I couldn't bare the pain of another lost love? That I was scared of what Emmett would think?
Either way I know I did it, and I knew that as soon as I was able, I had to leave. I had no money so I wouldn't be going far, but just far enough that I wouldn't see them all the time. Maybe to Port Angeles, it wasn't too far away and if I could hitch hike then it wouldn't take too long. There was my plan, I just had to not think of it and pack all my clothes. I didn't have much money but hopefully it would be enough, and if all else fails then I could pawn off a few of the designer outfits that Alice got me. I just knew I couldn't stay here any longer. And tonight, I would move.