Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

The Beginning of The End

I packed everything that I owned tight into 2 duffel bags. Fortunately everyone was going out hunting tonight so I would clearly be able to leave. After that, I'd only have to find a way to Port Angeles or farther even. I'd go as far as I could.
Instead of thinking of my plans or anything I was thinking through lyrics of songs I'd heard of as to divert Edward's attention. Alice couldn't see my future any way so fooling her wasn't an issue.
Many hours later I found myself running towards Forks from the Cullen's house. I had to make as good of use as possible with the little time I had. Although if they respected my wishes, they would leave me alone.
As a parting fare well, I left them collectively one letter. A small note just saying my quick goodbyes.

Edward's View
We all returned late that night. Later than usual and to an empty house. All of us were immediately alarmed at the absence of Jersey and started searching. I bolted up the stairs and into our room only to find all of her possessions gone and a small note on her bed. Picking up the piece of paper I read over the words written neatly in her hand writing.

Dear Cullens,
I'm sorry that I had to leave you all and that it had to be this way. I really wish it could have been another way and that I could have said good bye to each and every one of you. I miss you already just writing this note. I'm sure that this is killing you just as much, possibly more, than it is killing me. I love you all, but I just cannot overstay my welcome any longer. Sorry for all the trouble I've caused you and I hope you have a good existence.
Please do not try and track me or look for me in any way. It will be nearly impossible seeing as I have no scent that can be traced and none of you know where I'm headed. I'm not doing this to hurt you, because it is hurting me as well just writing this. I will cherish your memories until I die.
-Jersey McCarty