Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

74 Years Plus 1

In that span of 74 years I've been to most every country on the continent. Though I have not crossed paths with Carlisle or Esme since that fateful day in the forrest. I've spent some time also up near Denali with Tanya's coven. They are most nice, but I prefer to be on my own.
Currently I'm headed towards Phoenix, Arizona. I think it must be the only place I've not been to yet.
Upon my arrival it was night time. I was just plainly walking down a street when a vampire flew up against a window, shattering it unto the street and inside the building. I went around the building to the entrance and entered to see a full on fight. In the corner there was a girl who looked like she bled to death and there was a coven of vampires all gaining up on what I assumed to be the girl's attacker. I walked over to the girl silently and unnoticed. When I felt for a pulse, there was nothing and her blood smelled sweet and alluring but stale. Only the dead has stale blood. I looked and she had been bitten, but lost too much blood for the transformation to be completed.
"Hey! Get away from her!" A bronze haired boy yelled at me. I stood and turned around. facing them and only looking at him.
"Don't yell at me. You and your coven were avenging her. I happened upon this all thought I'd do you a deed. I pronounce this girl dead. You do not have to take her and have an autopsy either. She bled to death from a deep gash on her right thigh and also a bite on her left wrist. She lost blood to quickly for the transformation to begin and died. If you don't mind now, I'll be leaving."
I made for the door when a small voice called out, "I mind. Jersey you are not going anywhere until you come back and give me a hug." Upon turning around I saw the familiar heart-shaped face of Esme holding out her arms to me. I rushed into them happily and then into Carlisle's. The rest of their coven just stood back and watched.
"Jersey, I insist you stay with us for a time. It's been so long since Esme and I have seen you. If I'm correct, the last time we met was the day Emmett joined the coven." He smiled down at me.
"I'd be happy to." I smiled back up at him.
He turned me towards the rest of his family. "Jersey this is Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Edward and Emmett. Children, this is Jersey McCarty."
"What?" The brawny one, Emmett growled.
Once I actually got a good look at him I realized exactly what that was about. "Oh, God... No..." I said quietly. If a vampire could cry, I would've right there.
I'd begged my killer to take me and no one else, and here before me stood my elder brother in the same state as I. "How could you let this happen to yourself Emmett?" I asked painfully.
"I didn't. Where the hell have you been the past 75 years?"
"Does it matter?" I asked before smiling just the smallest smile. Every one around us was clearly confused. I then ran and jumped into my big brother's arms and he hugged me like he always used to. "I missed you." I said into his ear.
"Not as much as I missed you when I'd thought you'd died. I'm never letting you go again."
He let me down and held me back against his chest making sure I had no way of escaping from him again.
"Emmett is there something you're not telling us?" The Alice girl asked him.
I let out a small giggle and Emmett chuckled just a bit before answering. "Guys, I'd like you all to meet not only Jersey McCarty, but my younger sister." He anounced.