Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

In Honor Of Her

I was enveloped in a hug from the girl Alice. "Welcome to the family Sweetheart. You're going to love it." She smiled but I could tell there was pain there behind her mask.
"I'm sorry. I see that I've arrived at an awful time. That girl must have meant a lot to all of you." There was empathy in my voice. I'd stayed with various covens before, but I used to have a companion I travelled with. I used to travel with a Swedish vampire named Harriet. Though, it was my foolishness that ended in her immanent death.
"Yes. You couldn't have possibly come at a worse time. And you try to show you feel for us with that fake empath in your voice? I can hear what you're thinking and I'll tell you right now, that you will never know how we, I, feel right now!"
I looked down in shame, stepping away from Emmett's protective arms. Walking to this man, Edward. I looked into his eyes. "Edward. I look into your eyes and I see and feel your pain. This girl was your lover, the only one to ever touch you heart in such a way as she did. Her death has brought you immense pain and guilt. You blame only yourself, you have for some time now. Ever since the first time you saved her. You realize that had you come only seconds before you could have saved her life and be happy with her. I know this Edward because it is plain on your face. You know, deep down in your heart and conscience that fighting her fate couldn't last forever. You knew that eventually she would die. I can see a part of you right now, that is happy she died tonight. This part fights that of you who mourns for her soul and life, because this part is wiser and knows that the sooner she died, the less painful it would be to take. I know right now, exactly where you plan to go. I will not fight you on going there. I will tell you right now though, that what you are going to do is reckless and stupid. I also, at the same time see you happier then you were with her, and that time is soon in the future. You can choose either path, but if you choose one you will never get to see what would have happened if you chose the other." I took a few steps back from him so that we stood about a meter apart. "Edward, make that choice now. You know what could happen. But I see you choosing the wrong path. Do not hurt your family the way this girl has hurt you. They love you just as deeply. I know, I can read this girl's past. She would have hated you if you did what you are now contemplating. Do it for the girl. Live the happy life that she wanted you to live. Make her happy, proud even. I can feel right now in the force of air, she is watching you as we speak. She is watching you from heaven and if you choose the right path she will help guide you. She knows everything now that will happen, all you have to do is get her started by not dying." My tone was soft but still commanding and firm. I levitated the girl so she was lying in mid-air right in front of him. "Do it for her, Edward."
By this time his facial expression had softened and the only emotion he displayed was sadness. He was looking down at the girl. It was then, that I felt his choice of death fade into the background and his choice to live a happy, longer life become dominant.
"You will find another love Edward. You weren't meant to be alone you whole life." I walked up and held my arms out to him for a hug. He slumped down into my embrace and just let himself go.
"Thank you." I heard a voice say almost silently from behind me. "Thank you for what you've said. All of us feel more at ease with Bella's death now that we realize it was unavoidable. I can feel that we will always miss her and love her, but we are now ready to forgive ourselves."
I looked over my shoulder. The voice was Jasper. "Jasper, there is no need for me to be thanked. All I have done is shown Edward that though his love has passed on, he does not need to follow the same way. His future holds a bright family, other then you. In his family, I sense a wife and children. He just needs to take the steps to making this happen. I'm glad that you all also feel some security from what I've said, but that was not my main focal point."
He solemnly nodded.
I let go of Edward and held him at an arm's distance. "Just promise me that you'll not let her down. She loved you dearly as well. And she felt that in doing this, she was saving someone dear to her. She does not want you to mourn her death, but to celebrate all the happy times you had with her." I gave him a small smile. He returned it with a weak one.
"We'll take her to the hospital and admit her. Our story is that she fell two flights of stairs and then through a window resulting in her death. It shouldn't too hard to back up we just need to make it happen at her hotel." Carlisle said taking control of the situation.
"We should stage it so that there are actual witnesses. Jersey looks the most like Bella so we should stage a fight in where Edward has chased after her and it's resulted in a fight. She trips and goes flying down the stairs and out the window. We'll switch her body with Bella's and call an ambulance. Is everyone okay with that plan?" Carlisle proposed. Nobody objected so we headed towards her hotel to stage the incident.