Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

I Miss You All

When we arrived at the house the Cullens owned I was utterly shocked. This mansion had a wall made entirely of glass and was the most abstract and beautiful shape."Your home, it's like something airbrushed into a magazine! It's beautiful." I commented seeing as we'd come to a full stop. Alice hung back with me.
"Yes it it lovely. Now come, let's get you situated into a room." She led me into the house and up the stairs when I got a sense. I could feel one of my past covens about to be attacked. I'd need to go and help them. But the Cullens needed me here... I was torn between my two needs.
Alice looked at me, "Jersey, just go. I'll tell Carlisle and everyone else that you had other duties to attend to. Don't be gone for too long. I'm sure Edward will want to see you when he returns."
I hugged her briefly. "Thank you so much Alice. Make sure that Emmett knows I'm coming back to him. I've missed my brother too much in the past 7 decades to stay away now." With that I ran out and straight north to the North West Territories. It was in these chilly forests and brushes that my old coven resided.

A days run was all it took to get there. I might have got on a plane but I prefer the exercise. When I arrived I saw Beatrice, Wilma, Kenneth and David. I could sense something was wrong. Looking into their pasts I saw a witch that had come and placed a different curse on each of them. Beatrice was cursed with only being able to feed on human blood; Wilma was cursed with eternal sleep; Kenneth had been transformed from vampire to were wolf; and lastly David Would no longer be immortal.
In turn I hugged each of my past companions holding onto David just a little bit longer. We were past loves and there were still a few feelings now. "I'm sorry I was too late to do anything. I came as soon as I felt her coming." I weeped tearlessly into David. This was my first family in my second life, I loved them a lot and always would.
"It's fine, Hun. We'll be fine. As long as we stay away from humans then Beatrice can't harm them, and David was starting to wish he was more human anyway." Wilma added in.
I nodded, "I'm going to stay with you for a while still. I miss you all, but I must return soon. I've found my birth brother again. He met the same fatal death I did, but in a more honorable fashion."
"That's good, Love." Kenneth said in his gruff Australian accent.