Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

Mortal or Immortal

I stayed with my coven for 6 days and then started to head back to Forks. I traveled at a much slower pace this time around though because I wasn't in a huge hurry to get there.
I was wondering through British Columbia during the night, in the midst of a lonely wood. My senses were dulled because I was trying to hone all my skills to see how David was doing. Just before I left he'd grown sick, and none of us were quite sure how it would end.
I must have been concentrating really hard because I didn't even notice when the same witch that got my coven came from behind a tree and stunned me.
"Well, that's a shame. I'd have thought you'd put up a better fight then that. And to think that you were once the fighter of your coven. What a pity." All I could do was glare at her while she ranted. Witches had the tendency to be rather self centered and talkative. "I guess I'll just have to curse you as well for your foolishness. Now, what would suit you best." She took a small moment to pause whist thinking, "Ah that's it. I'll turn you half mortal. Now let me explain. Once I place this curse on you, you'll still be immortal and have you vampiric gifts, but you'll have the body of a human. Fragile, needy and over all just easily broken." The last thing I heard was a string of ancient words to form the curse. This, would be a major downfall. Then I fainted.

When I finally awoke again it was midday and I was still in the forest. If I ran, I could make it back to the Cullens by nightfall. I'd probably been missing for 8 days now. I stood up quickly and ended up falling again. Like I said, this curse would be a major downfall.
I soon realized that I was just a vampire in a human body with all the human needs and that a few of my senses were slightly dulled.
I stood once more, much slower this time and started off slowly, and increasing my speed as I went. Soon enough my frail body and mind got used to the new conditions of its self and was reacting normally again.

Just as I predicted I was out side Carlisle's house at nightfall. Now how to explain this to them. And Emmett, he always thought I was stronger than this. I sighed before knocking on the door.