Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

Sad and Solemn

A solemn and sad face appeared at the door. It wasn't likely that they'd recognize me, and even less likely that Alice would see me. I could smell myself and it was much different then a few days ago, and I knew the trick to Alice's vision, she only saw things she was familiar with, I was nothing that any one was familiar with.
The face was Esme. Her expression lit up like a light as soon as she saw me standing there, as she ignored my smell and look as I was just a little less pale then I was before. She ushered me into the living room and pushed me down onto the couch in a sitting position before caling for the rest of the family.
They al slowly filed into the room, most looking sad or solemn and then there was just Rosalie, completely indifferent from any other day. She reminded me a lot of a witch in that sense, she was really self centered.
Alice ran over, "What happened Jersey? You said you'd be back in a few days? I saw you die! A witch killed you!"
I held up my hand as to stop her. "Alice, I didn't die as you can clearly see. Although, it is plain that your sight does not include hearing. If that was the case you'd have heard the spell she cast. And I was just delayed a little bit, nothing too extreme." I answered before Emmett's rough face pulled mine level with his. I winced at the pain.
"Jersey, you're going to tell me exactly what this witch did to you. You don't smell the same, and you're not as pale. That and you just winced at my grip. Vampires don't feel physical pain."
I sighed and looked him in the eye. "Emmett, the curse that was placed on my was a mortality curse. I still have all my vampiric senses and gifts, some are just a little dulled and I'm no longer in a vampire's body. I'm in the body of a human. Much more fragile and just like every other human, I have needs and they must be met."
His grip released on me and his face hardened. "I thought you were better then that Jersey. Better then to let your guard down when you're on your own. In those years that I was your guardian did you not learn anything from me?" He was just plain enraged that I could be so foolish.
I looked down, a few tears slipping out. He'd not been this disappointed in me since the day I skipped a day of high school.
"Emmett, leave her alone." I heard Edward say. I knew he could read my thoughts so he knew exactly what I was thinking. He handed me a cellular phone. "Here, call them and find out how he is." Through that all in the back of my mind I was still worried about David and he must have picked up on it.
I nodded before dialing Kenneth's number. The line rang only twice before he picked up.
"Hello? He answered to my call.
"Kenneth, it's me. How is David?"
"I'm really sorry Jersey. David passed on the day after you left. His age finally caught up with him. Did you make it home okay?"
"She got me too Ken. It was the same witch. She made me half mortal. I can't talk now though, send my love to the girls."
"Yeah. Bye, Love."
"Bye..." I said slowly closed the device. My thoughts were clear of anything. I couldn't focus on anything right now, just knowing that someone I loved so dearly was gone. I'd created him too. "Alice?" I asked. She came to my side quickly. "I think I'll take you up on that offer to my room now."
My eyes wee wider then a dears. They put me in Edward's room seeing as it was the only one with a bed until they got one ordered in for me and Bella's demolished.
I laid down on the soft, comfortable bed and pulled the covers around me falling into a slumber through my shock. It was in my dreams, that I saw David's death and how the rest of our coven was now grieving.