Sequel: Running From the Sun
Status: R.I.P. Jimmy/The Rev D'=

What Dark Permits

Two Golden Eyed Baby Boys

I awoke to the smell of toast, eggs, and bacon. Throwing the covers off of my body and neatly but quickly remaking the bed, I pranced out of the room. When I got downstairs Carlisle had already left for work, and Alice was helping Esme prepare me breakfast. I looked over into the living room spotting Emmett and Rosalie cuddled up to each other on the couch. A cold hand touched my shoulder making me jump. When I myself was a full vampire I never noticed how cold we really were. But compared to my human body, it felt cold as ice.
I swing around to meet the eyes of Edward. "Good morning." He spoke kindly.
"And good morning to you as well Edward." I greeted back.
"I just wanted to thank you, for talking me out of going to the Volturi. I now realize that it would have been pointless, and no one would have gained anything."
"Really Edward, think nothing of it. I was just doing what I would've for anyone else."
"I know. But still, thank you." At that we let it drop and Alice placed a plate in my hands.
"Thank you, Alice." I said to her before walking over to the table and placing my meal at a spot. I noticed Edward had followed me.
"You fascinate me. Even though you are half human, I still cannot read your mind. Why is that?"
"Edward, you honestly thought I'd leave my mind unlocked for just anyone to tap into? Once I realized that you were a mind reader I started blocking my mind off." I unlocked my mind. Is this what you were looking for? I smirked as I saw his reaction. "I'll take that as a yes." I said while locking it up again.
"I see..." He was clearly baffled.
"Yeah. So what's up with Rosalie and Emmett? They together or something?"
"Married 12 times over actually. Rosalie was the one who found him dying. She brought him to Carlisle in hopes for him to be saved."
"I'm happy she did." I said looking back over at my brother. "I missed him greatly when I had to leave."
"So don't leave him again." Edward responded. Upon looking over I saw the sly look in his eyes. Just then I had a sense. But it wasn't a sense. I actually saw something that would happen. I froze. The scene played in my head like a film as I played the expression of a deer caught in headlights.
There was Edward smiling and holding a young baby boy with inky black hair and golden eyes and another identical baby boy but with rust hair and golden eyes both very ale in complexion.
When I finally came out of it Emmett was by my side holding my hand and trying to wake me up as Edward was doing the same on my other side.
I opened up my mind. Edward, what's happening to me?