Status: Hiatus.

We Will Never Believe Again.

Chapter Three.

Pete looked at me, not sure whether I was with or against the Dandies. I decided it was time to stop playing games. I flexed my wrists a little, the ropes that bound them getting looser every time. After a couple seconds, they slid off. I undid the ropes holding my legs to the chair and was standing against the wall before Pete even realized what was going on.

“What the...” he trailed off, looking at the ropes and then me, in awe. I smirked.

“They don’t call me Wonder for nothing,” I said in a smug voice. “Anyway. You, me and those hunters of yours need to have a little chat.” He let out a snarky little laugh.

“What makes you think any of us will agree to that?” he asked. “Need I remind you, your our prisoner. You’re not really in a place to make commands.”

“You’re forgetting something important here, Pete,” I informed, crossing my arms. “I’m Alice Wonder,” I said shortly.

“So?” Pete shrugged, making a ‘what’s the big deal’ face. I chuckled in a tad of an evil way, smirking.

“Dear boy. Do you think my disappearance would go by unnoticed?” I questioned. His face fell, causing me to have another laugh, laced with evilness, if you will.

“Exactly. You think you might be hidden, but you’re not,” I told him. “And they will come looking for me. And they will kill anything in their way.”

“But we’re hunters!” Pete exclaimed, “Your guys wouldn’t stand a chance.” I laughed once more, shaking my head.

“That is where you’re wrong. We are smarter, we are faster, and we are stronger. Your little ray guns are no match for us,” I told him. He glared at me.

“So, me capturing you was part of it?” Pete asked, giving me a confused look. I laughed.

“No, but now it means you have to talk. I was just planning on knocking on the front door,” I giggled.