Status: Hiatus.

We Will Never Believe Again.

Chapter Four.

Pete, the human I saw with him, named Patrick, and two others, named Andy and Joe, and I were all sitting in a musty little dining room. I was glad to be out of the dank basement.

“So, you wanted to talk....” Patrick said, trailing off. I nodded, leaning forward and letting the two front legs hit the ground.

“You’re hunters,” I said. “And I,” I put my hand on my chest, motioning to myself, “Lead the coupe against the Dandies,” I informed. “You’d highly regarded hunters as yourself would understand why I called this little meeting.”

“You want us to join the coupe?” the one named Joe asked. I nodded.

“We will...if you meet our demands,” Pete said shortly. I raised my eyebrows at him, crossing my arms.

“And what might those be?” I asked.

“I’m in charge,” he said shortly. I let out a spiteful laugh.

“You have to be kidding me!” I exclaimed. “I’ve been working on this plan for damn near six years, and you think you can just take over?” I looked at Pete with black eyes. “I think not,” I hissed.

“Then count us out,” Pete replied. I giggled.

“You really don’t understand the concept of blackmail, do you?” I asked. “I know where you’re hiding. Wentz, there is a pretty little reward for your head. And I might just slip up and mention it to William,” I said, raising my eyebrows.

“She has us there,” Andy told Pete. The other two nodded. The three of us looked at me, and I looked at Pete.

“Do we have a deal?” I asked, holding out my hand.

“We have a deal,” Pete informed reluctantly, shaking my hand.