Forbidden to Remember


Growing up is hard on everyone, but how hard can it be when you are friends with almost every famous celebrity under the age of 30. Lily Moore comes from a family of old money known for the charity work they do. Lily being the youngest of seven.( six old brothers ) Her life becomes more surreal, when her best friend introduces her to a guy who steals her heart.

Lily Moore is what some might say as is a scene chick, but she isn’t. She likes sports and music, she wears preppy and non preppy clothes, she’s girly but boyish at the same time. Her long dark red hair reaches mid back, and makes her amazing green eyes pop against her soft pale skin. Her small frame and petite ness, sometimes makes people think that she’s quiet and shallow. They are only half right. She is very quiet until she gets to know you and she’s far from shallow her heart is huge and her personality is to match.

Trying hard to stay normal and not let her family’s spot light keep her from doing anything a normal mid-class teenager could do Lily keeps a low key profile. Even though the camera’s sometimes get her with her more well known friends, there isn’t a bad thing for them to say about her.