Things Have Changed for Me

Welcome To My Life

Slut, whore, skank were just some of the words I got called on a daily basis. Everybody would whisper and stare at me when I walked down the hall at school. Most people know who I am but they mainly know me by those 3 words. My real name is Katie and yes I have fooled around with a lot of guys but I have never had sex with any of them. I a virgin. Even thought people just laugh or don't even believe me when I say that.

But anyway to the story. Today was just a typical day well so I thought. At lunch this bitch, Ashley, kept running her mouth about me so I thought I'd go and pay her a little visit.

"Yeah she had a threesome with Tyler and Eric over the weekend," she was saying as I walked up to her.

"Hey Ashley why don't you keep my name out of your mouth and stuff it full of food like you normally do fat ass."

"What the fuck bitch don't be saying shit to me," she said pushing me back.

"Don't even touch me."

"Huh," she said pushing me again.

Well instead of being a pussy and pushing her back, I punched her in the nose. You could hear it break and see the blood. But just as that happened Mr. Houston, the assistant principal, and a cop pulled us apart. The cop immediately handcuffed me and took me to the office.

They had my mom come to the school and get me. Thankfully they just expelled me instead of me getting arrested. I was not going to go to juvie. But it sucks not being able to go back to school.

"Katie do you know how serious this is?" my mom asked me when he got in the car.

"Yeah but you should have heard her running her mouth. She had it coming."

"I don't care. it was still the wrong thing to do. And that's why I'm sending you to live with Pete."

"Are you serious?" I said really excited.

"Now don't go getting happy. I told Pete not to let you leave except for school. He's very serious about this. He doesn't want you to get in anymore trouble. And if you get in any trouble while in Chicago then you will be sent to live with your grandparents in Italy."

"Ugh fine I'll be good."

The last thing I want is my grandpa's secret service up my ass. See he's an ambassador over in Italy. Yeah I know what your thinking how cool right? No it sucks. Every time I go and visit, he has his secret service following my every move. But enough about him let me tell you about Pete. Yes Pete Wentz. The Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy. My family and his family have been friends for years. I've known Pete all my life that is true because he was there whenever I was born. He's basically my brother. Well more than my brother, he is one of my best friends. He knows everything about me . He gave me my first alcohol and now I'm going to live with him. How much better can life get?
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Yes I started a new story since I finished my last one. So please leave me comments and tell me what you think and if I should continue.