Blackened Sight On A Clear Night

Blackened Sight On A Clear Night: Two

"James…" I heard someone ask. "Hey…" she said shaking my shoulder gently. I lifted my head into her direction. "Your friends are leaving…" she said quietly. I nodded for her to stand up and let me out. I looked to the right, then back to the left, trying to remember, my way over here. She took my hand and led the way. I heard the guys a few feet ahead of us. She squeezed my hand gently and I squeezed back. I heard her giggle. Well she has changed a lot in just 5 minutes…or maybe it was a few hours. We kept walking hand in hand until the guys started to say bye, meaning we were at my house.

"This blue one's yours?" Buttons asked. I nodded, letting her again lead me to the front door. I reached into my left pocket, pulling out my keys. I shoved it in the lock, opening the door and letting her in. I shut the door and counted my steps to the stairs. When in my room, I pulled my pants off and crawled under the covers. After a minute, buttons made her way up the stairs and into my room. She pulled my sunglasses off and set them on the table next to me before lying down on top of the blanket.

"You can go under the blanket you know…" I said sleepily. She gladly got under the covers and slowly drifted asleep.

I woke up the next morning as the bed shifted and I heard the floor creek under someone's foot. I stretched and turned in her direction.

"Sorry…I didn’t mean to wake you…"

"It's fine." I said, not really caring that she woke me.

"Can I use your shower…?" she asked shyly. I nodded, turning over and resting again. I heard the water start and after a minute, she started singing. I smiled to myself, just listening to her sing until I heard the water shut off and the floor in my room creek under her feet.

"If you need clothes, I have a whole closet full of 'em." I said pointing in any direction. She giggled a thank you before going to the closet. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, yawning. She sat on the edge of the bed and I could tell she was looking at my blue eyes…

Biting my lip, I looked away sheepishly. "I'll uh...I think I'll take a shower too..." I stood up and headed for my bathroom.

"Okay. Do you want some breakfast?" she asked walking past me and for the stairs.

"Hey...wait. You don't know where anything is..." I said, glancing toward her.

"I'll figure it out." she said, and i knew a smile was on her lips.

"...Okay..." I didn't really have a lot to hide. Anything I had to hide I kept within myself. Things
were safer that way. Sighing, I headed into the bathroom and stripped down. I took a quick shower and when I stepped out, I slid on the wet floor. "Fuck!" I shouted, falling flat on my ass. I groaned in pain and laid on my side. There were quick footsteps and a knock on the door.

"James! Are you okay?!"

I felt heat rush into my face. "Yeah, I'm fine..." I lied, rubbing my ass gingerly. That really hurt...

"You sure? What happened?"

"I just slipped and fell. I'm okay."

"...You're sure?" She asked again, sounding really worried.

"Yes. I'm sure." I sighed.

"Okay..." I heard her hand gently hit the door before hearing her head back downstairs. Once I was sure it was safe, I literally crawled to the door before getting some clothes from my bedroom. I quickly dressed and found my way to the stairs and into the kitchen.
The smell of pancakes met my senses. A small smile curled across my lips. I felt...Button's? eyes on me. "...What's your real name?" I asked, leaning on the counter. She gasped, but giggled a little


"Why the gasp?" I raised an eyebrow before pulling on my sunglasses. "I kind of figured your name wasn't Button."

"I just..." she stuttered a little before coming silent. Sensing her hesitance, I reached out and touched her shoulder gently.

"Just what?" I asked quietly.

"I didn’t think you'd remember I told you that..." I chose my next words carefully.

"Were you looking for a one night stand?" I asked.

"No way. I was bored because my friends left..."

"Just making sure...well, I wasn't sure." I smiled sheepishly at her before catching myself. "I mean, I've done the same." I said, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. She giggled, placing a plate in front of me. I sat down at the table and started eating. "What about you?"

"I'm making mine, relax." She giggled. "Do you have any jimmies?"

"Two in fact." I teased, chuckling quietly.

"Jesus Christ." She said before laughing.

"I know a Johnny Christ." I continued, loving her laugh.

"Oh really?" she giggled, going through the cupboards.

"Yup. He's a little shit, but hey, he could be the next Jesus. Only if I can put the Jimmy in your

"I don't want that kind of Jimmy in my pancake." She giggled.

"Awe okay." I said, stuffing more food in my mouth. She giggled a loud and
squeaky "heehee!" while shaking a container of Jimmies.

"What's so funny?" I couldn't help but chuckle through my food. Quickly covering my mouth, I blushed a little.

"Jimmies!" she squeaked again.

"Like me! Colorful, vibrant, tasty..." I teased, chuckling.

"Since you call yourself tasty...does that mean you've tasted yourself?"

"Maybe." I drew out my word vaguely, still munching on my pancake.

"I'll take that as a yes." She giggled, placing a plate next to me on the table.

"Now now, I didn't say that." I pointed my fork at her, knowing there was a grin on her
face. "Have you?" She turned red. "I'll take that as a yes then."

"Well fine. Since we're talking about how good we taste, id say I taste pretty good if I do say
so myself!"

"Maybe I can find that out for myself." I winked at her, forgetting I still had my sunglasses on.
Instead, I wiggled my eyebrows, hoping she'd catch my drift. She giggled, reaching up and taking my sunglasses off.

"Hey...!" I took them back and quickly covered my eyes, biting the inside of my cheek. I didn't like my eyes...they were too milky and clouded...

"Why? I like your eyes..."

"I don't." I said quietly, leaning back in my chair. How could she possibly like them? Eyes
were supposed to be windows to the soul, and mine...showed nothing but lost hope.

"Why not?" she asked curiously.

"I just...don't." I mumbled.
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hmm,...why doesnt he...? ;)