‹ Prequel: Diary Of Insanity
Status: Paused


Unknown Part Of Town

It was about three hours later when I finally decided to move from my place on the bench and I'd spent two and a half of those hours crying my eyes out. It felt as though I had a massive hole in my chest that just kept getting bigger and bigger. I didn't know how to stop it and every choice I made seemed to be the wrong one.

I walked slowly along the sidewalk, a brutal fight going on inside my head. I hated myself because everyone else was sharing my pain, it was a disease and I had selfishly allowed myself to infect them.

I didn't have a clue where I was, it was some unknown part of town, foreign to me. Although most of Huntington was foreign to me since I didn't realy like wandering too much. The years at Lakeview had got me used to having a small confined space to live within.

I loved Zacky but no matter how many times he told me I was wrong, I didn't see how in the world he could possibly still love me. I didn't see how he could love me when I hated myself. Arizona had been home to some of the worst years of my life, but I would gladly have taken all of those years twice over if I could just erase my last visit.

There was an alley way up ahead, I could hear voices coming from it and I felt myself shiver involuntarily. I knew it was late and that I shouldn't be out alone, anything could happen but what else could I do except wander around aimlessly, I didn't have the faintest idea of where I was. I walked past the enterance to the alleyway and my pace quickened.

"Hello sweetheart." I heard an icy voice speak from behind me. Just my luck. I thought as I willed myself to keep walking.

"Hey I'm talking to you!" The voice shouted and I heard foot steps running to catch up with me. But it wasn't just one pair, it was at least two.

I glaced up at the sky and whispered five words which I'd been asking fate since my adoptive parents had died. "Why do you hate me?"

"Sorry sweetheart I didn't quite catch that." The voice said and I had to stop myself from replying. I thought I was doing well, that was until the people, whoever they were, decided to run and stand infront of me so I wouldn't be able to continue walking.

"What did you say?" The voice asked, only this time I could see that it belonged to a guy with short, cropped blonde hair who wore a pair of black jeans with a red shirt. These guys had obviously just come from a bar, the smell of alcohol coming from them was unbelievable.

"Maybe she's mute?" Asked his equally drunk friend as I attempted to walk around them. The odds were not in my favour and I was not surprised. It was bloody well typical.

"You can talk, can't you princess?" Asked the one with blonde hair as his hand clamped around my upper arm before he leaned in closer to my ear. "No? I bet you can scream." My eyes went wide and I did the only thing I could think of. I twisted my body so I was facing him, kneed him in the crotch and as soon as he let go of my arm, I ran.

I ran as fast as I possibly could without running into anything in the dark street, I didn't have a clue where I was going but I didn't care as long as it was away from those men. It felt as though I'd been running for hours but I knew that in the reality it had only been a few minutes but I needed to stop.

I slowed my running down to a walk just as I approached a corner and just as I turned the corner I came face to face with the same blonde man in the red shirt. The surprise of seeing him infront of me made me cry out as I turned around and attempted to run again but he quickly pulled his arms around me, one hand over my mouth.

"Now, now Princess. That wasn't very nice." he hissed in my ear as I began struggling with all of the power in my body. I didn't know where his friends were but I really didn't want to find out. I though of Zacky and silently pleaded with whatever force was listening that he would help me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my back being roughly slammed against the stone wall of the building, the mans hands were removed from around me as he placed them on my waist instead.

"Please let me go." I began helplessly pleading although I knew it would do no good, it never did in the movies, why would it work in real life?

"Shh princess. come on." he hissed as one of his hands gripped onto my waist and the other held onto the side of my face as he pushed his mouth to mine.

"No, get off!" I shouted as I turned my head to the side and continued to struggle with him. "Zack! Help!" I screamed his name even though I knew it was hopeless. If I didn't know where I was, how could he?

"Shut up!" the man hissed again, one of his hands found my wrists andstopped my struggle while the other began to make it's way up my shirt.

"My boyfriend's gonna kill you." I whispered as the tears started to fall down my face and I closed my eyes, hoping I would wake up from this nightmare while I continued to struggle as best I could without the use of my hands.

"Oh really? Well I don't see him anywhere." he spoke inbetween laying rough kisses down my neck.

"Look again asshole." a venomous voice growled less than seconds before the guy was pulled off of me and I fell to the ground, hugging my knees to my chest as I cried. I didn't even look up to see Zack beating the hell out of the guy, I could only hear the punches.

I felt someones arms pull me to them, one under my knees and the other around my back and I finally opened my eyes to see Johnny's half hurt, half angry ones looking back at me as he lifted me and carried me over to the car before putting me in the backseat and hovering over me, checking me, to make sure I wasn't hurt.

It was then that I glanced out of the front window to see both Zacky and Matt laying into the guy until after a few minutes when they stopped and Johnny moved out of the way and around to the front passanger seat while Zack climbed in the back with me and Matt got into the drivers seat.

I could do nothing more but cry into Zack chest and hold onto him for dear life.
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Hey everyone..
Sorry it's been so long, my laptops in the shop getting fixed so I had to wait to borrow my sisters.

let me know what you think!
