You'll Never Fit In Much, Kid.

When Natalie gets a new art teacher, things get a bit more interesting... Rated M for language and such. :]
GerardxOC :D
  1. You'll Never Fit In Much Kid Ch. 1
    The first day in Art class :D
  2. You'll Never Fit In Much Kid Ch. 2
    Some more art class, a little bit more about Natalie. Yuh yuh.
  3. You'll Never Fit In Much Kid Ch. 3
  4. You'll Never Fit In Much Kid Ch. 4
    Coffee and graveyards, oh so exciting!
  5. You'll Never Fit In Much Kid Ch. 4
    I think this is probably one of the cutest chapters. :D
  6. You'll Never Fit In Much Kid Ch. 5
    Natalie spends the night at Gerards... ^W^
  7. You'll Never Fit In Much Kid Ch. 6
    Somehow Natalie finds herself on a date.