Status: Origanally Arranged Marriage? To Zacky Vengeance? - Complete

Heart of the Truth

Hayley, Zacky, You Are Arranged To Be...

“Hayley, wake up now.” My mom said while shaking me awake.

“No.” I groaned.

“Get up now, we have people coming over in an hour and you need to be down stairs and ready, I set the outfit you need to wear on the chair in the corner. Now up.” With that she walked out of my room so I could get ready. I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and started getting undressed; when it was warm enough I got in and washed my hair and body. About 20 minutes later I got out and carefully put on the outfit my mom left out for me wondering why it was so dressy. Carefully slipping on the black strap dress I zipped it up before putting my long sleeved cardigan that finished just below my bust. Walking into my en-suite bathroom I plugged in the hair dryer and straightners waiting for them to heat up while I dried my hair, as soon as I had finished I picked up the straightners, straightening the natural waves in my hair. I put on some black eye shadow making it have a smoky effect before applying a thin line of liquid eye liner on top and putting on some mascara, I looked at myself in the mirror and made sure I defiantly had my locket on that my Nan gave me before walking downstairs.

When I got downstairs I heard conversation going on. When I walked in I saw my mum and dad sitting on the couch and opposite them sitting on the other couch was a man, a woman and a boy who looked about my age also looking very smart himself, he had snake bites in and his ears stretched. I became very confused when I realised it was only me and him dressed up.

“Hayley, you finally decided to come down. Say hello to Mr and Mrs Baker and their son Zachary,” my mom introduced them and they waved in turn, except Zachary who looked angry.

“Please call me Zacky not Zachary.” He asked.

“Oh okay, sorry. Well this is Hayley,” I waved at them and then sat down next to my mom.

“Okay we need to tell you two something.” Oh great that can’t be good, it never is. When I was 8 it was my dog was ran over, when I was 12 we were moving to America which meant leaving my friends behind, when I was 14 my Nan passed away. 16 my best friend died in a car accident, now I’m 18 what could happen.

“Me and Jennifer have known each other since we were young but when I moved here when I was 13 we lost contact,” Mrs Baker began.

“But when we moved over here we got in contact again and we have talked about this for a long time and we signed the contract last year so now Hayley, Zacky,” My mom continued.

“You are arranged to be,”

“Married!” they ended together with smiles on their faces.

WHAT!?” Zacky and I screamed while standing up.

“You are arranged to be married to each other by the end of next year, we are hoping for this to settle your wild ways Zachary, and hoping it will settle you down,” Mrs Baker replied.

“What do you mean my ‘wild ways’ mom?” he said using air quotes, “So I have got drunk a couple of times so what?” Mrs Baker stood up in front of him,

“I’ve heard of more then a couple Zachary, just last weekend I saw you and those friends of yours stumbling round the park do you even remember getting home?” she asked, he shook his head, “Exactly I picked you up and took you to the car and inside, as soon as you got up to your room you passed out on the bed, and that has happened on more then three occasions your very lucky I still let you out on a Saturday.” She shouted at him, all he did was roll his eyes.

“Yes, errrm, anyway Hayley next week you are going to be moving in with the Bakers so you and Zacky can get to know each other before the wedding happens.” My mom said to me, I wonder what the reason is for me being part of this marriage.

“So Hayley and Zacky you’ll be spending today and tonight with each other, so Hayley go and get some clothes for tomorrow and pj’s for tonight, we’ve already booked a table so you could go have lunch in a very nice restaurant.” my mother said.

“Why tonight mom, me and Indie are meant to be hanging out!” I turned to my mom who shrugged.

“Exactly, Brian, Jimmy, Johnny and I are hanging out at Matt’s tonight; I can’t bail on them mom, it’s band practice.” Zacky turned to his own mom.

“No Zachary not this weekend, this weekend you are spending time with your fiancé not your friends.” She replied

“Zacky mom. How many fucking times Zacky not Zachary. God!” he said standing up.

“Don’t speak to your mother like that Zacky.” His father spoke sternly.

“Hayley go get some things together so you two can leave.” I huffed and got up anyway,

“Yes Zachary, go and help her.” His mom said, he glared at her before waiting for me to carry on to my room, I sighed before walking upstairs to my room.

He followed me up and sat on my bed kicking off his shoes and laying down on my bed hands behind his head looking around. “Make yourself at home.” I muttered under my breath going to my closet. “Huh?” he asked, “Nothing.” I replied quickly “Uhuh.” He murmured back I rolled my eyes before grabbing my black skinnies, a top, hoodie and underwear.

I walked back into my room to see him lying on my bed still eyes closed. I stuffed my clothes and black converses into a bag before grabbing my makeup and putting that in there to. I looked at Zacky and coughed. He opened his eye and got the hint putting on his shoes and walking down stairs after me.

When we got downstairs I saw Mr Baker slip something in Zacky’s pocket and whisper something in his ear Zacky just rolled his eyes and nodded.

“Well come on, we’ve got to get there in 20 minutes otherwise they will give away your table.” Mrs Baker stated. My mom and dad gave me a quick hug each and waved goodbye. I followed Zacky and my future mother-in-law out the door which Mr Baker was kindly holding open. I climbed into the back of the car after Zacky and waited for his parents to start driving.
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So yeah.... good or not? Should I continue?

Her dinner outfit