Status: Origanally Arranged Marriage? To Zacky Vengeance? - Complete

Heart of the Truth

The Tablets Are For...

That night, when I knew both my parents where asleep, I crept down into the kitchen to search for that orange bottle my mom had in her hands earlier. She must of thought I was stupid, I knew they weren’t for headaches otherwise I would of used them.

After looking through all the cupboards and even the fridge I gave up, my mom can be sneaky when she wants. I went upstairs to do my buissness and brush my teeth before I went to bed. I opened the little cupboard with all the toothpastes, toothbrushes, pads etc. when I noticed a little orange bottle I had seen in my mums hand earlier. I picked it up and read the handwritten label saying ‘Mom’s head ache pills’. When I looked closer I could see something like a table underneath. Slowly I pulled back the top label to see another one underneath.

As I looked closely at it, I gasped and nearly dropped the bottle. Tablets for chemotherapy! What? My mom could possibly have cancer and not have told me!
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For Kaylee [Second Heartbeatxx] for her birthday, Happy Birthday =D
Sorry it is short I have my friend coming over in like 5 minutes, I'll try and update tomorrow or Thursday to make up for it!!!!! Sorry! But at least you know what the pills are!
Thanks for the comments, and I just found out I am the baby from hell. I was two weeks late, made my mum stay in hospital for 33 hours, 6 and a half in labour, made her have all the injections and stuff and still wouldn't come out. Then all of a sudden popped out! I was such a cool baby =D