Status: Origanally Arranged Marriage? To Zacky Vengeance? - Complete

Heart of the Truth

What Girlfriend?

“The light! It burns!” Zacky cried as I opened the curtains in his room,

“Well Zachary, live with it!” I said,

“You sounded too much like my mom then.” His voice came out muffled where he had stuffed his face into the pillows.

“Here have this!” I said handing him some Advil to take with some water.

“Thanks.” He grumbled taking them,

“Now get changed, nearly everybody else is, you are too hard to get up in the morning,” I mumbled the last bit.

“Well your going to have to get used to it aren’t you!” He replied sitting up and stretching,

“Yeah, I guess. Now get your ass up, it’s nearly twelve and I got to get home and finish packing!” I turned round walking out of the room.

When I got into the living room I saw most of the guys and girls looking very messed up, well except Matt. I sat down next to Indie who looked wide awake and alert unlike the others. She smiled as I sat down and gave me a massive hug,

“Hayley, I love you!” She sung out of pitch,

“Indie shut up woman; some of us are still hung over unlike you!” Brian moaned from his position on the floor.

“Well Brian, you should not have drunk so much last night, but you did and this is what you get so… live with it!” She all but shouted in his ear.

“Oh my god, Jimmy shut your girlfriend up!” Johnny groaned,

“What girlfriend?” Jimmy face scrunched up in confusion,

“Indie… Aren’t you two? Oh my god seriously you aren’t? What the hell?” Johnny asked confused by Jimmy shaking his head, “Okay then, forget I said anything at all.”

“What did you say?” Zacky asked walking down the stairs looking refreshed.

“That I was Jimmy’s girlfriend.” Indie replied looking just as confused as Jimmy,

“Aren’t you to…” Zacky asked pointing between the two of them, “Oh, never mind!” He said sitting beside me,

“Any way I need to leave to finish packing, Indie can you come and help me please?”

“Yeah sure, bye guys.” She said hugging Jimmy, I quickly hugged Zacky, quickly grabbing our bags and walking out.

“Shit, no car, looks like we are walking,” I said laughing at her sad expression.

When we got back to mine no one was home so we walked up to my room, to figure out what I had actually packed before… well yeah.

“Okay how’s about this, I’ll finish of your closet and you can sort out all your things on your dressers and shit, sound good?” Indie asked,

“Yeah, put all the clothes in the suitcases,”

“Will do!” She smiled walking into my closet smiling.

We started in silence until Indie decided to put on some Mötley Crüe.

“So you and Jimmy?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for not updating, yesterday I had some really important exams so I have been revising and shizz, also I have had quite a bit of coursework ): but thanks for the comments (: and sorry it's short, I didn't know what else to put =\