Status: Origanally Arranged Marriage? To Zacky Vengeance? - Complete

Heart of the Truth

Are You Seriously That Blind?

“What do you mean me and Jimmy? Everyone thinks we are going out but we really aren’t, we are only good friends!” I heard her shout from my closet,

“Well you to don’t act like it; you like him though don’t you! Admit it!”

“Maybe a little bit, but he doesn’t like me back!” she said walking out of my closet, most of the clothes that were left in there in her hands,

“Are you being serious?” I asked holding back my laughter, “You seriously think he doesn’t like you back, last night he was all over you, and when that guy came over and flirted with you, did you see the glare Jimmy was giving him? I mean if looks could kill, he would’ve died when he first came over, are you seriously that blind?”

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Zacky’s POV

Everybody except Jimmy had left; he was sat on my couch watching Spongebob Squarepants, “So Jimmy, you and Indie, why haven’t you asked her out yet?” Jimmy took his eyes off the TV and looked at me weird,

“Why would I ask her out?” He questioned, looking puzzled,

“Because you both obviously like each other!” I said looking at him confused,

“Well yeah I like her, but she doesn’t like me, why would she like me? I’m just a stupid fuck-up who got kicked out of high school, my parents hate me and I am so close to getting kicked out, I am always and I mean always compared to my ‘perfect’ little sister who has always been the better of us both, the only time I ever speak to my parents is when they are either shouting at me, telling me how bad of a child I am and how I have always been the worst or telling me I am a waste of space and will never amount to anything and when Indie came over yesterday so I could collect my things for the night, they laughed at me when she was upstairs and said they were surprised I was friends with a pretty girl. Why would she like someone like me, huh? I’m surprised I even have friends.” He ended putting his head in his hands,

I sat there shocked at his sudden out burst, we all knew Jimmy and his family didn’t get along but we never realised it was that bad, “What do you mean by that? Indie obviously likes you; Hayley has told me before that she does. Everyone was surprised earlier when you asked what girlfriend, we all thought you to were going out, especially with the way you two act all the time Jimmy, my advice is ask her out.”

“Seriously?” He asked raising his head so he could look at me,

“Seriously, do you want anything to eat or drink, because I am starving?” I asked standing up and stretching,

“Yeah please, can I have some sprite, be right back.” He said getting up and going to the loo.

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Normal POV

“What do you mean am I blind? Of course I’m not; it is obvious okay that he doesn’t like…” She stopped getting cut off by her mobile, “Hold on I’ll be right back,” I rolled my eyes at how blind she actually is and carried on collecting everything out of my draws to put in my suitcase

“Yeah okay then, sure. See you in a bit bye.” Indie said hanging up her phone as she walked back into my room, “Hey, Hayley is it alright if I go for a bit I need to meet somebody but I’ll be back later.”

“Oh yeah sure, who you meeting?” I asked her standing up to give her a hug,

“Don’t worry no one bad, but I’ll be back soon I promise.” She said returning the hug,

“Okay then, see you later!” I replied as she walked out the door, who the hell called her that is so important she would desert her best friend?
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Thanks for the comments, some one said they didn't get the updates for it, did anyone else?
I just watched Steve-O on dancing on the stars, he is actually quite good lol