Status: Origanally Arranged Marriage? To Zacky Vengeance? - Complete

Heart of the Truth


When we had finished dinner I started to get up to help Maria like I did most nights when she came up behind me and gently pushed me down, sending her a quizzical look, she told, me “Stay and talk with your parents, you must miss them.” Before collecting my plate and walking into the kitchen.

“Hayley you do know, just cos you’ve moved out, doesn’t mean you can’t come and visit and stay some nights. Your room is just how you left it nothing has changed.” My mom said giving me a smile, I smiled back and nodded thinking of the reasons I don’t visit. Don’t get me wrong I love my parents, but I just don’t think I can stand sitting there and watching my mom die right in front of me.

“I’ll try mom, sorry that I haven’t.”

“Its okay darling just do try and visit I miss seeing your smiling face. Now where is Maria and our dessert?” She asked no one in particular with a joking laugh at the end. Just after Maria’s appeared out of no where with a huge chocolate cake that could feed twenty in one hand and six plates and spoons balanced in the other, my mom jumped up and grabbed all six plates and spoons, before they tumbled out of Maria’s hands.

She cut six large pieces out of the cake handing them out to each of us, “Come on eat up, the sooner the finish the sooner we can leave for your surprise!” Maria said getting very excited.

“Leave? We have to leave for the surprise?” Zacky asked fork in mid air.

“Did I say leave? I meant…”

“Maria leave it, you can’t save yourself from that one.” James smiled at his wife slightly shaking his head before taking another bite of his cake.

I sat in the boot of the Bakers car with Zacky on the way to our surprise; hopefully it is something small so I can just go back home to bed, I am absolutely knackered. “Okay kids, we’re here!” My dad called back from the passenger’s seat. I looked around me, up and down the street we were on and saw nothing except rows and rows of houses.

“Errrm… Mom, dad, Mr and Mrs Smith; I am seriously confused right now, what is the surprise I see nothing but hou… Holy fuck! You bought us a house!” Zacky yelled, to loud for my liking, right in my ear. All the adults chuckled, “Yes Zachary, we did.” His mom chuckled.

“Oh my god! It is amazing! Can we look inside?” He screamed,

“Sure thing son.” His dad said while chucking the house key towards us, Zacky caught it opening the boot door and climbing out dragging me along with him. As he opened the door I couldn’t help but gasp, the whole places look beautiful. I followed Zacky through each room becoming more awestruck with each one we went through.

“Honey, why don’t you go take a look upstairs?” My mom suggested so me and Zacky did exactly that. This house was freakin’ beautiful!

“This is our wedding present for you guys.” Maria said excitement evident in her eyes.

“Well mom, dad, Mr and Mrs Smith. I think I can speak on behalf of both of us, we love it!” Zacky replied once we reached the bottom of the stairs.

“I thought you would, hopefully it is decorated okay; you can come back tonight, pack your stuff tomorrow and move in. Now come on I think we should get back.”
♠ ♠ ♠

Sorry it's short :|
Damn you Chloe for figuring it out, how did you guess? I got work experience for the next two weeks so I don’t know if I can update because on top of that I have to add on to my drama portfolio, write up a pitch and learn three or four pages of lines for my drama performance, also the weather is very nice so I am going to try and get out there and get a tan before I go on holiday so I’m not completely pale!

Thanks for the comments
