Status: Origanally Arranged Marriage? To Zacky Vengeance? - Complete

Heart of the Truth

Back off Sullivan

I woke up on something that didn’t feel like a pillow and I swear my bed wasn’t next to the wall. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Zacky with his eyes closed and snoring very quietly. I looked down to realise it was Zacky’s chest I was leaning on and the back of the sofa I could feel. On the TV was the title screen to the second Pirates of the Caribbean, I realised my glasses were off, I had them on last time I remember, I looked at the table next to the sofa and saw them folded up, Zacky must’ve taken them off me before he fell asleep.

“Morning, sleep well?” I looked up into his green eyes and nodded feeling his hands run through my messy hair, “You?”

“Yeah, well the best sleep you can get on a couch.” I laughed with him, “Look’s like we left the DVD on last night” He continued laughing slightly, “Let’s get some breakfast.” I sat up and he mimicked my actions. He stood up and I followed him into his kitchen,

“What do you want for breakfast?” He stopped to look at me, I shrugged “Anything would be fine, I’m not that fussy.” He nodded before continuing to search,

“How about left over pizza?”

“Yeah, sure and Zacky. Sorry for falling asleep on you last night.”

“Don’t worry about it; we’ll be husband and wife soon so that won’t matter. Woah! Okay that
sounded so weird to say out loud.”

“Yeah, but I have no idea what to tell Indie,” I said sitting at the bar stool for the island in the middle of the kitchen, “I mean she’ll go mental at my parents for doing this to me and me for actually going through with it.” I continued fiddling with my fingers.

“I know what you mean, I mean like I said yesterday my band just got signed and every thing, and I know Matt’s girlfriend is coming along so we might be able to see if you can, but the marriage thing… I dunno I mean you are quite like us, you like the same music and style so you should get on quite well.” I nodded again hoping it was true. I was fiddling with the ring on my finger still not believing it.

“Yo! Zacky! Where are you?” Zacky sighed setting down my plate with pizza on in front of me,

“In the kitchen dude!” Zacky yelled back, soon enough four guys came into the kitchen and stopped when they saw me in my pj’s eating pizza.

“Why hello pretty lady.” The tall one said bowing to me, I looked at him like he was mental.

“Errrr…. Hi?” I said quietly.

“Why so shy?” I shrugged,

“Who is this then Zacky?” Zacky glanced at me before answering “My girlfriend Hayley, so back off Sullivan!”

“Okay, okay will do. Anyway what are you up too today, or are you hanging out with your girlfriend?”

“I don’t know, are you hanging out with Indie today?” He asked turning to me.

“I arranged to meet her at Starbucks this afternoon at 3pm. So I’m free ‘till then.”

“Okay then, hang out with us?” He asked.

“Sure.” He nodded as I finished my pizza, “Well I’m gonna go get changed, will you be down here?” I asked putting my dish in the sink.

“Yeah, see you in a minute.” I walked off trying to remember where Zacky’s room was so I could grab my bag.

Zacky’s POV

“So when did you meet her then?” Brian asked once Hayley was out of sight,

“Can we talk about this when Hayley comes back down?” I replied.

“Why?” Matt said staring at me curiously, “It’ll just be easier, now I’m gonna go put some actual clothes on, and I would say make yourselves at home but it looks like you already have.” I said staring at Brian and Johnny who pulled their heads out the fridge. I shook my head and walked upstairs, I wonder how they will take the new.

Normal POV

I walked out the bathroom dressed in some dark skinny jean along with my white top that read "I'm with the band", along with my black batman hoody and converses, just as Zacky was walking past me, “Hey Hayley, don’t go down their just yet because they will question us about our relationship and I think personally they need to tell them the truth otherwise they will be pissed off, with me definantley. “

“Sure, I understand, and I will tell Indie this afternoon when I meet her.” I said.

“Why don’t you invite her over here and hang out with us for the day?” He asked,

“Yeah sure, is it okay for me to use your home phone to call her?”

“No go right ahead, it is at the end of the hall, and don’t go down ‘till I’m out ‘kay?”

“Yeah great.” I walked to the phone and dialling Indie’s number.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Hey Indie, how are you?”

“Oh my god Hayley it’s you, I’m great thanks you?” I laughed a bit,

“I’m good, hey do you wanna hang out a bit earlier then we planned?”

“Errr…. Yeah, is your family gone then?”

“What? Oh right yeah, meet me at this address in half an hour?” I gave her the address and
she put it into her satellite navigation machine.

“Okay, see you soon. Bye.”

“Bye Indie.” I smiled and hung up.

“I take it she is on her way?” Zacky asked making me jump.

“Yeah, are we going down?”

“Yeah come on” He said grabbing my hand, well this would be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Birthday Zacky =D

Her outfit