Status: Origanally Arranged Marriage? To Zacky Vengeance? - Complete

Heart of the Truth


After playing two on two volleyball, taking it in turns to referee, me and Chloe ended up winning most of the matches, I looked down at my legs seeing they were finally starting to turn a slight brownish colour when somebody’s hands attacked my sides, making me jump and squeal. Turning round, my eyes travelled up the arms to lead me to my attacker, surprised to see Zacky looking at me smiling like the complete and utter loon holding up his arms for a hug.

I gave him a disapproving look and watched as his smile turned into a frown lowering his arms to his sides and almost instantly finding his feet interesting. Trying my hardest not to laugh, I took a step forward saying Zachary in a tone a mother would use whilst telling off her child. Giving me a sheepish grin, I shook my head causing it to turn back into a frown.

“Hayley I am really, really, really sorry.” He mumbled I chuckled and hugged him hearing screams and squeals erupt from the other girls, turning round I could make out Jimmy carrying a screaming Indie out to the ocean and the others screaming at their respective boyfriends.

Giving Zacky a big hug, I dragged him over to Matt laying across Chloe’s beach towel with her curled into his side tracing patterns on his chest. Sitting down next to them, Zacky sat behind wrapping his arms round my front making me lean back into his chest.

“Ooooooh volleyball net! I want to play! I want to play! I want to play!” Jimmy screamed jumping up and down in the sea pointing towards the net. A few passers by stared at him weirdly but he didn’t seem to notice. Indie stood beside him trying to calm him down, with out much luck.

“Come on guy’s! I want to play! Battle of the Sex’s!!!” He screamed even louder running along dragging Indie behind him. Matt mumbled something incoherent under his breath motioning for Chloe to move of him, “Well if it shuts him up, might as well. Come on guys!” He shouted out to Johnny, Natalie and Brian who had Beckz over his shoulder. Rolling their eyes they reluctantly made their way up to where the girls had placed the net earlier. “I’ll only play if we make the game more interesting,” Brian said smirking placing Beckz back on her feet,

“Interesting how?” Natalie asked her eyes filled with curiosity,

“As in a bet, you know; we win, we get something, you win, you get something.” Brian replied picking up the volleyball and throwing it repeatedly in the air.

“Okay then, what’s the bet?” Chloe asked matching Brian’s smirk.

“Hmmmm… Okay if we win… well I like the idea Indie had of personal slaves a while back, what do you say guys? ” He asked looking round at the other four, “I like that one,” Matt said eyeing up Chloe earning him a smack on his head.

“And if we win?”

“Well what do you want?”

“Well, there is one thing…”

- - - - - - - - - - -

"And we win!" Screamed Beckz jumping up and down, all of the guts jaws dropped almost simultaneously,

“No, that is not fair! You can’t do that! Cheats! Cheats! Cheats! You added up wrong I swear. It isn’t right!” Jimmy whined,

“I totally agree with Jimmy, you cheated!” Johnny joined in, as us girls laughed.

“We so did not! We won fair and square, so now I think, no I know we have won the bet!”

“No you haven’t! I refuse! R-E-F-U-S-E! Refuse I tell you! No way!” Zacky shouted,

“Awww poor baby,” I said in a baby voice hugging him, “I’m sorry you lot are just shit at volleyball.” He pouted burying his face into my shoulder murmuring “I’m not shit.” quietly.

“So guys, Hayley and Zacky’s house tomorrow then?” All the girls nodded enthusiastically while the guys groaned.

“Sure guys, I think I should get this big baby home before he starts crying.” Everyone stifled a laugh as Zacky just looked at me.

“I am not a baby!” I gave him a pointed look, “Well you sure do act like one.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Johnny Brian

Sorry that it has been so long, have had some writers block, had my birthday (woop) and the last few weeks of school are always the worst! Ah well I got six/seven weeks off now and if swine flu gets even worse I get an extra month. I’ll try and get at least two more out next week (depends on how busy I am) as I am going on holiday from the 3rd to the 31st to Italy, while I’m there I’ll try and write a few updates, I can’t promise anything though.

I personally hate this one I think it's shitty but ah well it something?

Thanks for the comments

how you like me now
Princess Ariel.