Status: Origanally Arranged Marriage? To Zacky Vengeance? - Complete

Heart of the Truth

Why Did She Ruin Everything?

Zacky and I walked hand in hand through the mall, we had been here and hour and I already had two bags in my free hand, my third would be added as soon as I entered Hollister. I tugged on Zacky’s arm as soon as I spotted the shop. Walking towards it, I took one look in there and heaved Zacky in a completely different direction. He looked confused as I began to walk faster.

“Hayley where are we going I thought you wanted to go in that shop. Hayley, Hayley, slow down, Hayley, stop right now!” he yanked my hand hard making me almost collapse into him. “Hayley; what is going on? Why did you suddenly pull away I thought you saw a top in there that you wanted?” he pulled the cutest confused face I had ever seen,

“I did want it, but now I don’t. Come on; let’s go get something to eat.” I said pulling him in the direction of the food court. Well I say pulling, what I mean to say is trying to pull him along; it was like he had glued his feet to the floor.

“No Hayley. Hayles tell me what or who is in there, now!” he said, his face becoming serious.

She is in there, as in crazy ex stalker! I do not want something to happen in the middle of the mall so can we go there after-”

“Well, well, well girls what have we got here. The ugly slut and her supposed boyfriend.” I turned round to see Vanessa and two girls I had never seen before, giggling at her comment. I tried hard not to scoff when I saw what she was wearing; shorts that almost showed her butt along with a short sleeved top that had buttons you could do and undo over the chest. Said buttons, were undone so low you could see the leopard print bra she wore, as well as the string of her pink thong showing above her shorts; and she called me the slut!

“Zacky please can we go?” I whispered to him, tugging lightly on his arm.

“Awww look guys, she is scared. Look bitch, I told you before to stay away from him and did you?! No! So…” Next thing I know my left cheek stung, my jaw dropped as I looked at her smug smile. “What do you think about that?” she said slapping me again on my other cheek, in return? I slapped her back. Grabbing my hair she pulled me towards her, her fake nails scratching my scalp as she repeatedly slapped me. My hand slipped out from Zacky’s as I pushed against Vanessa’s stomach trying to get her away from me. I heard people screaming for security and a few childish cry’s as Zacky tried pulling me from her grasp with no results.

She continued to slap me and even knee me in the stomach repeatedly for a few minutes, screaming for me to stay away from Zacky, before I felt her grasp on my hair release and her being pulled away from me, falling to the floor I couldn’t stop my tears as Zack knelt down beside me wrapping his arms around me. I cried into his chest my cheeks, scalp and stomach in excruciating pain. He helped me up, looking around I saw a lot of people gathered round and Vanessa kicking and screaming getting dragged away by a huge security guard.

“Sir, miss, could you come with us please?” another security guard asked us both, Zacky nodded and we followed after him, Vanessa’s screaming still audible, why did she ruin everything.

- - - - - - - - - - -

I stood looking in the full length mirror placed on the back of the door in mine and Zacky’s bedroom examining the damage that had been done earlier; each of the cheeks (on my face) still burned and were a lovely red colour, I also had a lovely purple bruise on my stomach. Zacky suggested earlier on this evening that we stay at his and my parents one night this week, he knew how much I missed my parents and I knew how much he missed his. When I was a lot younger I complained so much about them, but I think you never realise how much they do for you, until they aren’t there all the time for you like they used to be.

Luckily my grandma and mom took the time and patience to teach me how to cook a wide variety of meals when I was a young girl, both my mom and grandma have always been such amazing cooks which, I have been told, is a skill that has been passed onto me. Not one meal that I’ve made for Zacky, or any of the guy’s and girls for that matter, has been deemed disgusting or in-edible.

Hearing the toilet flush, I pulled down my black and pink lace top, lay on the bed and fiddled with the waist line of the matching pink and black check pyjama bottoms. The en-suite lock clicked, the door opening to reveal Zacky sorting out his own pyjama bottoms. Flicking off the light switch, he walked round the bed, climbing in next to me. Simultaneously, we reached for the bed sheets and pulled them up over us, resting just beneath our chins.

Zacky opened his arms, inviting me into them, an invitation I gladly accepted. Resting one arm over Zacky’s chest I buried face into his neck, giving it a slight peck. Leaning over, he turned of the lamp and moved a bit further down on the bed; taking me with him. He kissed the top of my head making me smile slightly, falling into a peaceful slumber.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hayley’s Outfit
Vanessa’s Outfit
Night time

Thanks for all the comments on the last chapter, so Vanessa has made another appearance, I actually hate her :/

So this year of school for me is really important as I have all my important test’s coming up, so I have a lot of course work to complete to be able to get the higher grades, so I am going to try and update this as much as I can whilst keeping on top of all my work from school.

Thanks For The Comments

Miss Vicious